Posted Posted in THE OLD SHOT TOWER

The Dubuque Daily Times  Tuesday November 11, 1879 THE OLD SHOT TOWER.  One of the Most Interesting Autograph Albums In the City. The old shot tower situated at the entrance of the bridge, is one of the old notable structures on the river. It was a twin brother or sister to the old elevator that went […]

City Improvements for 1850

Posted Posted in 1850

The Dubuque Weekly Tribune    Wednesday November 13, 1850   City Improvements for 1850.   Few seasons have opened more inauspiciously for Dubuque than did the one now drawing to a close. With the very commencement of the current year, the minds of many of our citizens, as well as of persons residing in other portions […]

The Sale of the Knapp-Stout Lumber  Company’s Interest

Posted Posted in The Sale of the Knapp-Stout Lumber Company'

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Tuesday July 14, 1891 FINE FINISH BY FLANDERS The Sale of the Knapp-Stout Lumber  Company’s Interest At Last Officially Verified.  Three Million Dollars of Stock Are Being Placed Among Leading American Capitalists. There is no doubt that the Knapp, Stout & Co., company’s business to a syndicate of western men is consummated, […]


Posted Posted in Secure Sawmill

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Friday February 5, 1892   TO SECURE A SAW MILL Mr. M. H. Moore Broaches a Feasible and Practical Project. He Proposes the Organization of a Syndicate to Operate the Dubuque Lumber Company’s Mill. Mr. N. H. Moore has outlined a plan by which another saw mill can be added to the manufacturing […]