Deliberate in Council Upon the Occasion of Their Regular Monthly Session

Posted Posted in City Council

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Tuesday, June 4, 1878 (Excerpted from City Council Meeting Minutes June 3, 1878) THE CITY FATHERS.   Deliberate in Council Upon the Occasion of Their Regular Monthly Session. And Transact the Usual Routine of Business. Council met in regular session yesterday morning at 9 o’clock, the mayor and all the members of the […]

Dubuque Daily Herald May 5, 1878 Caught On The Fly

Posted Posted in May 1878

The Dubuque Daily Herald May 5, 1878 Caught On The Fly Indications: Northerly winds, shifting to southerly, warmer, clear weather, with rising barometer. —Go to church. —This is a day of rest. —Sugars point upwards. —Council to-morrow morning. —Plenty of music in town to-day. —An excursion arrived from down river to-day. —Strawberries are cheap for […]


Posted Posted in Early Dubuque

The Telegraph-Herald Sunday May 29, 1938   FROM ‘DARK AGE’ TO THE PRESENT Yankee Miners Finally Got Foothold in 1833 (Editor’s Note: This is the sixth and concluding article of a series dealing with the history of Dubuque in connection with the pageant scheduled in August here to celebrate the sesqui-cen­tennial of the city along with […]

Final Installment of ‘Beginnings of Dubuque’

Posted Posted in Early Dubuque

The Telegraph-Herald   Sunday December 8, 1940 ‘THEN AND NOW’ Final Installment of ‘Beginnings of Dubuque’ (Editor’s note: This is the final installment of a series of articles by William J. Petersen, a native of Dubuque, entitled “The Beginnings of Du­buque.” The articles appeared in the November issue of “The Palimpsest,” monthly publication of the State Histori­cal […]