THE C., B. & N. ROAD. What the Business Men of This City Think About its Coming Here.

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Sunday January 31, 1886 THE C., B. & N. ROAD. What the Business Men of This City Think About its Coming Here. Superintendent Barr Has Something to Say Regarding the Right of Way. An Almost Unanimous Opinion: “Let Us Be Liberal With the New Road.” The City Council’s Committee Meeting—A Favorable […]

Dubuque Herald January 31, 1886 Caught On The Fly

Posted Posted in Caught on the Fly, January 1886

The Dubuque Herald January 31, 1886 Caught On The Fly DUBUQUE, January 30, 1886. Mean barometer                                      22.746 Mean thermometer                                  12.5 Mean relative humidity                          82. Maximum temperature,                          17.9 Minimum temperature,                            7.2 Prevailing Winds                                     S. E. Total precipitation, 0.02 inches. —W. H. Torbert, druggist, 756 Main street. Retail department opened from […]

Preparations for the State Tournament to be Held in This City

Posted Posted in 1886 Tournament, Fire Department

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Tuesday January 19, 1886  IOWA FIREMEN. Preparations for the State Tournament to be Held in This City.  The Prizes Offered—The Waterloo Department Censored. The forthcoming meeting of the State Fireman’s association in this city will be an interesting event. The tournament promises to be as largely attended as in former years. The […]

THE C., B. & N. ROAD. General Manager Harris Says the Road Will Surely Come to Dubuque.

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., C. B. N. Right of Way 1886, City Council, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Saturday January 30, 1886 THE C., B. & N. ROAD. General Manager Harris Says the Road Will Surely Come to Dubuque. He Pronounce: the Reports to the Contrary Without Any Foundation. Judge Gresham Remand. the Central Case to the State Court—The Council’s Committee, Etc. The council’s committee appointed to consider the right-of-way […]

Dubuque Herald January 30, 1886 Caught On The Fly

Posted Posted in Caught on the Fly, January 1886

The Dubuque Herald January 30, 1886 Caught On The Fly DUBUQUE, January 29, 1886. Mean barometer                                      29.985 Mean thermometer                                  10.3 Mean relative humidity                          72.3 Maximum temperature,                          23.4 Minimum temperature,                            4.1 Prevailing Winds                                     N. W.. Total precipitation, inappreciable. —W. H. Torbert, druggist, 756 Main street. Retail department opened from 7 […]

The C., B. and N. Railroad Company Asks for the Same Privileges as Other Roads

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., C. B. N. Right of Way 1886, City Council, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald Friday January 29, 1886 CITY COUNCIL  The C., B. and N. Railroad Company Asks for the Same Privileges as Other Roads. A Friendly Feeling Manifested by the Members of the Council. The Petition—The Ordinance—The Salvation Army and the Seventh Street Bridge . Considered. The mayor called the council to order at 7 […]

Dubuque Herald January 29, 1886 Caught On The Fly

Posted Posted in Caught on the Fly, January 1886

The Dubuque Herald January 29, 1886 Caught On The Fly DUBUQUE, January 28, 1886. Mean barometer                                      30.018 Mean thermometer                                  21.9 Mean relative humidity                          84. Maximum temperature,                          25.4 Minimum temperature,                          18.7 Prevailing Winds                                     N. E. Total precipitation, unappreciable. —W. H. Torbert, druggist, 756 Main street. Retail department opened from 7 […]

Dubuque Herald January 28, 1886 Caught On The Fly

Posted Posted in Caught on the Fly, January 1886

The Dubuque Herald January 28, 1886 Caught On The Fly DUBUQUE, January 27, 1886. Mean barometer                                      30.135 Mean thermometer                                  23.6 Mean relative humidity                          75. Maximum temperature,                          29.7 Minimum temperature,                          20.3 Prevailing Winds                                     N. E. Total precipitation, 0.03 inches. —W. H. Torbert, druggist, 756 Main street. Retail department opened from […]