A Full Description of Mr. A. A. Cooper’s Palatial Residence

Posted Posted in 1886, A. A. Cooper, A. A. Cooper, Dubuque Mansions, Prominent Dubuquers

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Sunday May 19, 1889   FINEST IN THE STATE. __________________ A Full Description of Mr. A. A. Cooper’s Palatial Residence. __________________ Biographical Sketch of One of Dubuque’s Self-Made Men. __________________ How a Tall and Sturdy Oak from a Little Acorn Grew—A Man of Whom the City is Proud. __________________ The fine new […]

Dubuque Herald January 21, 1886 Caught On The Fly

Posted Posted in Caught on the Fly, January 1886

The Dubuque Herald January 21, 1886 Caught On The Fly DUBUQUE, January 20, 1886. Mean barometer                                      30.069 Mean thermometer                                    7.7 Mean relative humidity                          79.7 Maximum temperature,                          12.5 Minimum temperature, (below zero)     1.7 Prevailing Winds                                     N. Total precipitation, 0.45. —W. H. Torbert, druggist, 756 Main street. Retail department opened from […]


Posted Posted in Dubuque History

Mr. William Ryan was in the meat packing business, in Galena, Illinois, and later in Dubuque. It was his company that provided much of the meat for the troops of General Ulysses S. Grant during the Civil War. His first residence in Dubuque was the house on the corner of Locust and Loras, adjacent to […]

Dubuque Herald January 20, 1886 Caught On The Fly

Posted Posted in Caught on the Fly, January 1886

The Dubuque Herald January 20, 1886 Caught On The Fly DUBUQUE, January 19, 1886. Mean barometer                                              30.202 Mean thermometer                                            2.8 Mean relative humidity                                  75. 3 Maximum temperature,                                 12.2 Minimum temperature, (below zero)            4.0 Prevailing Winds                                              W. Total precipitation, inappreciable. —W. H. Torbert, druggist, 756 Main street. Retail department opened from […]

The Lacy House

Posted Posted in Benjamin W. Lacy, Dubuque Mansions

The Lacy House opposite Jackson Park was built around 1878 by Mr. J. R. Robinson, Esq., a prominent Dubuque lawyer. As far as can be determined, the architect’s name was Naescher. Jackson Park itself is of historical interest, the site having once been the first cemetery in the area where Indians and whites were interred. […]

Preparations for the State Tournament to be Held in This City

Posted Posted in 1886 Tournament, Fire Department

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Tuesday January 19, 1886  IOWA FIREMEN. Preparations for the State Tournament to be Held in This City.  The Prizes Offered—The Waterloo Department Censored. The forthcoming meeting of the State Fireman’s association in this city will be an interesting event. The tournament promises to be as largely attended as in former years. The […]

Dubuque Herald January 19, 1886 Caught On The Fly

Posted Posted in Caught on the Fly, January 1886

The Dubuque Herald January 19, 1886 Caught On The Fly DUBUQUE, January 18, 1886. Mean barometer                                  29.995 Mean thermometer                              11.5 Mean relative humidity                      81.3 Maximum temperature, below zero 14.2 Minimum temperature, below zero   8.5 Prevailing Winds                                 N. W. Total precipitation, 0.22. —W. H. Torbert, druggist, 756 Main street. Retail department opened […]

Dubuque’s Advantage

Posted Posted in The Mississippi

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Sunday January 17, 1886 Dubuque’s Advantage.  One of the greatest of Dubuque’s advantages as a jobbing, manufacturing and commercial city, is its position on the river. It is an advantage which does not receive the credit it deserves, though shippers should appreciate it at the close of navigation every November 15th, […]

Dubuque Herald January 17, 1886 Caught On The Fly

Posted Posted in Caught on the Fly, January 1886

The Dubuque Herald January 17, 1886 Caught On The Fly DUBUQUE, January 16, 1886. Mean barometer                                  29.980 Mean thermometer                              12.4 Mean relative humidity                      77.7. Maximum temperature,                      31.2 Minimum temperature,                        2.4 Prevailing Winds                                 W. Total precipitation, 0.07. —W. H. Torbert, druggist, 756 Main street. Retail department opened from 7 a. […]