Dubuque Herald February 7, 1886 Caught On The Fly

Posted Posted in Caught on the Fly, February 1886

The Dubuque Herald February 7, 1886 Caught On The Fly DUBUQUE, February 6, 1886. Mean barometer                                      30.084 Mean thermometer                                  28.8 Mean relative humidity                          74.0 Maximum temperature,                           40.2 Minimum temperature,                            9.8 Prevailing Winds                                     N. W. Total precipitation, unappreciable. —W. H. Torbert, druggist, 756 Main street. Retail department opened from 7 […]

The Council’s Committee Goes Into Secret Session

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., C. B. N. Right of Way 1886, City Council, Misc News Janury 4 1878, Railroads

The Dubuque Herald Saturday February 6, 1886 Mr. Knight In Reply to Mr. Maclay. To the Editor of the Daily Herald. Permit me a portion of your space for a few words in reply to Mr. J. Maclay. He wrongs his own intelligence and does me an injustice in the construction he places on what I […]

Dubuque Herald February 6, 1886 Caught On The Fly

Posted Posted in Caught on the Fly, February 1886

The Dubuque Herald February 6, 1886 Caught On The Fly DUBUQUE, February 5, 1886. Mean barometer                                      30.279 Mean thermometer                                    9.8 Mean relative humidity                          77.0 Maximum temperature,                          19.0 Minimum temperature,                            7.9* Prevailing Winds                                     S. Total precipitation, unappreciable. *Below zero. —W. H. Torbert, druggist, 756 Main street. Retail department opened from […]

Is What the Council is Doing With the C., B. and N.’s Petition

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., C. B. N. Right of Way 1886, City Council, Railroads

The Dubuque Herald  Friday February 5, 1886 WEIGHING THE WAY Is What the Council is Doing With the C., B. and N.’s Petition.. They Spend Another Afternoon Listening to Discussions. Senator Knight Represents the C., M. and St. P. and the Central. Warm Words Exchanged and no Conclusion Reached as Yet. The council committee was in […]

Dubuque Herald February 5, 1886 Caught On The Fly

Posted Posted in Caught on the Fly, February 1886

The Dubuque Herald February 5, 1886 Caught On The Fly DUBUQUE, February 4, 1886. Mean barometer                                      30.611 Mean thermometer                                    6.8* Mean relative humidity                          66.7 Maximum temperature,                            8.0 Minimum temperature,                          20.3* Prevailing Winds                                     N. W. Total precipitation, unappreciable. *Below zero. —W. H. Torbert, druggist, 756 Main street. Retail department opened […]

Such is the Condition of the Railroad Right of Way Matter

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., C. B. N. Right of Way 1886, City Council, Railroads

The Dubuque  Herald  Thursday February 4, 1886 IN STATU QUO. Such is the Condition of the Railroad Right of Way Matter. The Council Committee Listens to Discussions and Adjourns Until To-Day. Hon. W. J. Knight to Appear this Afternoon in the Interests of the Opposing Railroad Companies. The committee met in the council chamber again […]

Dubuque Herald February 4, 1886 Caught On The Fly

Posted Posted in Caught on the Fly, February 1886

The Dubuque Herald February 4, 1886 Caught On The Fly DUBUQUE, February 3, 1886. Mean barometer                                      30.523 Mean thermometer                                  10.4* Mean relative humidity                          50.3 Maximum temperature,                            1.2* Minimum temperature,                            21.2* Prevailing Winds                                     N. W. Total precipitation, unappreciable. *Below zero. —W. H. Torbert, druggist, 756 Main street. Retail department opened […]

The City Council’s Committee Has Another Session

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., C. B. N. Right of Way 1886, City Council, Railroads

The Dubuque Herald  Wednesday February 3, 1886 THE RIGHT OF WAY. The City Council’s Committee Has Another Session. Officials of the Central and Milwaukee Roads out in Force. A Large Delegation of Jobbers and Manufacturers Present in the Council Chamber. Council met yesterday morning at ten o clock, pursuant to adjournment to again consider the […]

Dubuque Herald February 3, 1886 Caught On The Fly

Posted Posted in Caught on the Fly, February 1886

The Dubuque Herald February 3, 1886 Caught On The Fly DUBUQUE, February 2, 1886. Mean barometer                                      30.522 Mean thermometer                                  10.6* Mean relative humidity                          60.0 Maximum temperature,                            3.0* Minimum temperature,                            1.7* Prevailing Winds                                     N. W. Total precipitation, 0.00. *Below zero. —W. H. Torbert, druggist, 756 Main street. Retail department opened […]

Mr. Will Westphal Expires . . . His Untimely Death Causes Great Sorrow in This Community.

Posted Posted in Prominent Dubuquers, William Westphal

Dubuque Daily Herald  Sunday  February 7, 1886 Death Of William Westphal The sudden death of Mr. Will Westphal startled the entire community last evening by whom he was well and liked so much. That so young man as he should be taken so suddenly, and one who enjoyed such good health was a surprise to all, […]