Dubuque to Have an Additional Place of Amusement, Cornmencing Monday Evening

Posted Posted in 1886, History Of Theaters

The Dubuque Daily Herald   Sunday May 16, 1886 STANDARD THEATER.  Dubuque to Have an Additional Place of Amusement, Cornmencing Monday Evening. A force of painters and carpenters have been at work in Clark’s rink for the past several weeks remodeling it, and have succeeded in making many radical changes. In fact the appearance of the […]

Dubuque Herald May 16, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF

Posted Posted in May 1886, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald May 16, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF DUBUQUE, May 15, 1886. Mean barometer                                      29.936 Mean thermometer                                  47. Mean relative humidity                          54. Maximum temperature,                          55. Minimum temperature,                          43. Prevailing Winds                                     N-W Total precipitation, 0.01. RIVER BULLETIN. The following are the stages of water at the points named […]

Dubuque Herald June 15, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF

Posted Posted in May 1886, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald June 15, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF The Weather. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C., June 15. 1:30 a. m. Indications—For Iowa: Slightly warmer, fair weather, winds becoming variable.   —W. H. Torbert’s, wholesale and retail druggist,750 Main street. —Jordan and photographs.           tf —Lindeman Piano, C. Sass, Agt., 1050 […]

   Naturalization of Dubuque  Jew 100 Years Ago Hailed

Posted Posted in Alexander Levi, Alexander Levi, Dubuque Mansions, Prominent Dubuquers

The Telegraph-Herald  Sunday September 5, 1937 Jews in Iowa are celebrating their centennial this year, with special ceremonies being scheduled for the first week of their new year which begins today. Dubuque takes a special place in the spotlight of the centennial celebration since the centennial dates from the naturalization in 1837 of Alexander. Levi of […]

Dubuque Herald May 14, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF

Posted Posted in May 1886, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald May 14, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF DUBUQUE, May 13, 1886. Mean barometer                                          29.677 Mean thermometer                                      57. Mean relative humidity                              65. Maximum temperature,                              84. Minimum temperature,                              55. Prevailing Winds                                         S. Total precipitation, 0.19. RIVER BULLETIN. The following are the stages of water at the points named […]

Dubuque Herald May 13, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF

Posted Posted in May 1886, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald May 13, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF The Weather. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C., May13. 1:30 a. m. Indications-For Iowa: Fair weather, stationary temperature, variable winds. —W. H. Torbert’s, wholesale and retail druggist,750 Main street. —Jordan and photographs.           tf —Wilber’s Madison Square Company at Opera House all week […]

Dubuque’s Reputation

Posted Posted in Dubuque History

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Wednesday, May 12, 1886 Dubuque’s Reputation. Among a certain number of people in the state of Iowa and elsewhere Dubuque city has acquired the name, and almost wholly in the past couple of years, of being a very bad town and quite a lawless place. Those who know the true facts […]

Dubuque Herald May 12, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF

Posted Posted in May 1886, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald May 12, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF DUBUQUE, May 11, 1886. Mean barometer                                          29.867 Mean thermometer                                      65. Mean relative humidity                              75. Maximum temperature,                              78. Minimum temperature,                              52. Prevailing Winds                                         S. E. Total precipitation, 0.00. RIVER BULLETIN. The following are the stages of water at the points […]

Dubuque Herald May 11, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF

Posted Posted in May 1886, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald May 11, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF DUBUQUE, May 8, 1886. Mean barometer                                          29.875 Mean thermometer                                      56. Mean relative humidity                              72. Maximum temperature,                              69. Minimum temperature,                              47. Prevailing Winds                                         S. Total precipitation, 0.43. RIVER BULLETIN. The following are the stages of water at the points named […]