A Full House—Election of Officers—Silver Money—Bankruptcy—Collection Laws and Other Matters

Posted Posted in 1878, Dubuque Board Of Trade

The Dubuque Daily Herald Tuesday January 15, 1878 Board of Trade. The directors of the board of trade held a meeting yesterday, for the purpose of clearing up the business of the past year, preparatory to the regular annual meeting which takes place on Saturday evening next. At that meeting many subjects of importance in Dubuque’s […]

Preliminary Meeting to Organize a Board of Trade

Posted Posted in 1876, 1878, Dubuque Board Of Trade, Dubuque History

The Daily Herald    Sunday January 9, 1876  COMMERCE. Preliminary Meeting to Organize a Board of Trade. According to announcement a large number of merchants and business men of this city assembled at the office of the Dubuque Agricultural and Mechanical exposition, for the purpose of taking steps toward the final organization of a board of trade. […]

Twenty-Five Years Ago

Posted Posted in 1886, Governor’s Greys

The Dubuque Daily Herald Sunday January 24, 1886 Twenty-Five Years Ago. The twenty-fifth anniversary of an event that has redounded to the credit of Dubuque, occurred the other day, that should not be allowed to slip by unnoticed. It was on January 14th Twenty-five years ago that day, January 14th, 1861, one of the several military […]

Dubuque Daily Herald Tuesday September 3, 1878

Posted Leave a commentPosted in City Council, Excerpted from City Council Meeting Minutes June 3, 1878

The Dubuque Daily Herald Tuesday September 3, 1878 (Excerpts From City  Council Meeting September 2, 1878) CITY MATTERS Proceedings of the Regular Session of the City Council. The Usual Number of Petitions and Communications. Reports of Officers and Standing Committees. Resolutions. Payment of Bills, &c., &c.. Council met in regular session at 9 o’clock yesterday morning. […]

Dubuque Herald May 26, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF

Posted Leave a commentPosted in Dubuque History

The Dubuque Herald May 26, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF DUBUQUE, May 25, 1886. Mean barometer                                          30.065 Mean thermometer                                      58. Mean relative humidity                              55. Maximum temperature,                              70. Minimum temperature,                              45. Prevailing Winds                                         S. W. Total precipitation, 0.00. RIVER BULLETIN. The following are the stages of water at the points […]

Dubuque Herald April 22, 1886 Caught On The Fly

Posted Leave a commentPosted in News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald April 22, 1886 Caught On The Fly DUBUQUE, April 21, 1886. Mean barometer                                          30.138 Mean thermometer                                      63.7 Mean relative humidity                              63. Maximum temperature,                              81. Minimum temperature,                              58. Prevailing Winds                                         S. E. Total precipitation, unappreciable. RIVER BULLETIN. The following are the stages of water at the points […]