Depression of 1873 Halted Building Operations on This House

Posted Posted in Ernst M. Porter, Historic Dubuque Homes

The Telegraph-Herald and Times – Journal Sunday June 17, 1934 Depression of 1873 Halted Building Operations on This House, Former Home of Early Dubuque Dentist   A  “House-of Dentists” When, workmen began construction of the “palatial” home shown in the  photograph reproduced with this article, early settlers of Du­buque were taking the first steps to provide a monument for Julien Dubuque’s […]


Posted Posted in Civil War, Letters From Civil War

The Telegraph-Herald and Times – Journal  Sunday May 14, 1933 Letters From Civil War  Editor’s note: This is the fourth of a series of letters written in 1861 by Franc B. Wilkie, a reporter for the old Dubuque Herald. GREYS WORSHIP. Davenport, Iowa, April 29, 1861. Yesterday was our first Sunday in Davenport and independently of the rest […]

Dubuque Herald May 26, 1887 Local News In Brief

Posted Posted in May 1887, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald May 26, 1887 Local News In Brief OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C., May 26, 1 :30 a. m.} Indications—For Iowa: Generally fair weather, nearly stationary temperature, light variable winds.   —W. H. Torbert—Druggist —Byrne Bros. & Co., undertakers.—tf —Waterloo Ice Cream at Sam Upton’s only. —Stoves stored at […]


Posted Posted in Civil War, Letters From Civil War

The Telegraph-Herald and Times – Journal Sunday May 7, 1933 Letters From Civil War (Editor’s Note: This is the third of a series of letters written during the Civil war by a Dubuque newspaper reporter who joined the colors.) MARKING TIME Davenport. Iowa, April 27, 1861. Nothing new of special importance since my last letter. The men are […]

Many Well Known Buildings        And Residences in Dubuque                                   Planned By Swiss Architect

Posted Posted in Frid. J. Heer, Sr, Prominent Dubuquers

The Telegraph-Herald and Times – Journal Sunday April 23, 1933 Many Well Known Buildings        And Residences in Dubuque                                   Planned By Swiss Architect In the event that some of Dubuque’s pioneers who passed away before the city reached its present size were to return to this earth today, it is likely they could marvel at the changes […]


Posted Posted in Civil War, Letters From Civil War

The Telegraph-Herald and Times – Journal Sunday April 23, 1933 Letters From Civil War Editor’s Note: This is the second of a series of “Letters From the Civil War,” written by Franc B Wilkie, a reporter for the old Dubuque herald. WAR FEVER RAGES Davenport, Iowa, April 25, 1861.    The war excitement is progressing rapidly, if it […]

Dubuque’s Part in Civil War Is Described in Old Letters

Posted Posted in Civil War, Dubuque's Part In Civil War, Letters From Civil War

The Telegraph-Herald and Times – Journal Sunday April 23, 1933  Dubuque’s Part in Civil                         War Is Described in Old Letters                                                         Written By Herald Reporter Editor’s Note: —Following is the first of a series of letters published in book form under the caption “Letters From the War,” relating to the activities of the Jackson Guards, organized in […]