Dubuque Herald July 22, 1887 Local News In Brief

Posted Posted in July 1887, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald July 22, 1887 Local News In Brief OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C., July 22, 1 :30 a. m.} Indications—For Iowa: Fair weather; winds generally westerly, lower followed by stationary temperature.   —W. H. Torbert—Druggist. —Byrne Bros. & Co., undertakers.—tf —Stoves stored at Fry’s. Telephone 15.—tf —Meals 25c at […]

Builders of Dubuque Once Lived in Mansion Of Brick Which Crowns Elevation West Of Central Avenue and South of Diagonal

Posted Posted in Historic Dubuque Homes, John King

The Telegraph-Herald and Times – Journal Sunday April 29, 1934 Builders of Dubuque Once Lived in Mansion Of Brick Which Crowns Elevation West Of Central Avenue and South of Diagonal The photograph shows the Judge King “Mansion” as it appeared more than a half century ago, the sloping ground surrounding it covered with vineyard., fruit trees, flower, and […]

Dubuque Herald July 21, 1887 Local News In Brief

Posted Posted in July 1887, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald July 21, 1887 Local News In Brief OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C., July 21, 1 :30 a. m.} Indications—For Iowa: Variable winds, generally southerly, fair weather; higher temperature in eastern portion, stationary temperature in western portion.   —W. H. Torbert—Druggist. —Byrne Bros. & Co., undertakers.—tf —Stoves stored at […]

Dubuque Herald July 20, 1887 Local News In Brief

Posted Posted in July 1887, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald July 20, 1887 Local News In Brief OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C., July 20, 1 :30 a. m.} Indications—For Iowa: Generally fair weather, except rain in western portion; higher followed by stationary temperature, winds becoming southerly.   —W. H. Torbert—Druggist. —Byrne Bros. & Co., undertakers.—tf —Stoves stored at […]

Dubuque Herald July 17, 1887 Local News In Brief

Posted Posted in July 1887, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald July 17, 1887 Local News In Brief OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C., July 17, 1 :30 a. m.} Indications—For Iowa: Fair weather; variable winds, generally westerly; lower, followed by no decided change in temperature.   —W. H. Torbert—Druggist. —Byrne Bros. & Co., undertakers.—tf —Stoves stored at Fry’s. Telephone […]

The City Council Adopt the Way Via Seventh and Under the Track

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, High Bridge Approach 1887, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Saturday July 16, 1887 VIA SEVENTH. The City Council Adopt the Way Via Seventh and Under the Track. This Approach to be Completed by the Time of the Opening the Bridge. The council chamber was well filled last evening with those interested in the approach to the high bridge, and the action […]

Dubuque Daily Herald Saturday July 16, 1887 The Prospects for the Dubuque and Southwestern Very Flattering

Posted Posted in Railroads, Southwestern Railroad

The Dubuque Daily Herald Saturday July 16, 1887 THE SOUTHWESTERN. The Committee on Railroad Construction Hold an Interesting Meeting. The Prospects for the Dubuque and Southwestern Very Flattering if Sufficient Aid is Given. There was an interesting meeting of the committee of the Board of Trade on railroad construction at the secretary‘s office yesterday afternoon. All […]