Dubuque Herald August 20, 1887 Local News In Brief

Posted Posted in August 1887, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald August 20, 1887 Local News In Brief OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C., August 20, 1 :30 a. m.} Indications— For Iowa: Fair weather; southerly winds, becoming variable, warmer in eastern portion; stationary temperature in western portion.   —W. H. Torbert—Druggist. —Byrne Bros. & Co., undertakers.—tf —Stoves stored at […]

The Fourth Day Finds the Attendance Largely Increased—Good Results Being Attained

Posted Posted in August-1887, Normal Institute

The Dubuque Daily Herald Friday August 19, 1887 THE NORMAL INSTITUTE,  The Fourth Day Finds the Attendance Largely Increased—Good Results Being Attained.  The County Normal still continues to increase in point of numbers and interest. There are 186 names enrolled on the list and all are active in making it the best institute ever held […]

The Third Day’s Proceedings—What the Teachers are Doing—The Attendance Large

Posted Posted in August-1887, Normal Institute

The Dubuque Daily Herald   August 18, 1887 NORMAL INSTITUTE. The Third Day’s Proceedings—What the Teachers are Doing—The Attendance Large. The interest in the Teachers’ Institute still continues. One hundred and seventy-five are now enrolled, and the gathering bids fair to be one of the largest teachers’ gatherings ever held here. Many citizens who are interested in […]

The Committee on Buildings and Public Works Hold a Meeting to Consider the Matter.

Posted Posted in 1887, Sewerage System

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Thursday August 18, 1887 CITY SEWERAGE. The Committee on Buildings and Public Works Hold a Meeting to Consider the Matter. A Sub-Committee Prepare Resolutions Urging the Board to Request the Council to Take Immediate Action. On account of the lack of space our report of the meeting on the sewerage question was omitted yesterday […]

Vociferous Complaints That Too Many Knights of Labor Hold Office Now

Posted Posted in City Council 1887, Failure To Govern 1887, Knights of Labor

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Thursday August 18, 1887 ONE TO MANY .  Vociferous Complaints That Too Many Knights of Labor Hold Office Now.  Last evening the office was filled at different times with  complaining individuals, both male and female, who were not at all mild in their denunciation of the present park custodian and […]

Dubuque Herald August 18, 1887 Local News In Brief

Posted Posted in August 1887, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald August 18, 1887 Local News In Brief OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C., August 18, 1 :30 a. m.} Indications—For Iowa: Fair weather, slight variable winds, decided change in temperature.   —W. H. Torbert—Druggist. —Byrne Bros. & Co., undertakers.—tf —Stoves stored at Fry’s. Telephone 15.—tf —Hotel for rent in […]

Six More Cars of Iron Arrive and Work Is to be Immediately Resumed

Posted Posted in 1887, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

Dubuque Daily Herald   Wednesday August 17, 1887  The High Bridge. Six More Cars of Iron Arrive and Work Is to be Immediately Resumed. The work upon the high bridge is not progressing rapidly but doubtless will in the next few days. The trouble has been that the iron did not arrive and the men have […]