The Contract for the Approach to the High Bridge Let—Board of Registration Appointed.

Posted Posted in City Council, Fire Department, High Bridge Approach 1887, Sewerage Issue 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Tuesday October 4, 1887 CITY COUNCIL. The Saloons Will Remain Open on Sundays. Several Important Ordinances Passed—No More Discounts on Taxes Paid Before January 1. The Contract for the Approach to the High Bridge Let—Board of Registration Appointed. The Council Voting Thousands of Dollars for Sewers—Where is the Money Coming […]

The Contract for  the Approach to the Bridge Let

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, High Bridge Approach 1887, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

The Dubuque Daily Herald   Tuesday October 4, 1887 (Excerpted from City Council Meeting Minutes October 3 1887) CITY COUNCIL. The Saloons Will Remain Open on Sundays. Several Important Ordinances Passed—No More Discounts on Taxes Paid Before January 1. The Contract for  the Approach to the Bridge Let—Board of Registration Appointed. The Council Voting Thousands of […]

Dubuque Herald October 4, 1887 Local News In Brief

Posted Posted in News In Brief, October 1887

The Dubuque Herald October 4, 1887 Local News In Brief OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C., October 4, 1:30 a. m.} Indications—For Iowa: Fair weather, warmer, light to fresh and variable winds. STAGE OF WATER, at 1 p m in feet and tenths, and change in 24 hours                                                                              CHANGE Stage            Rise             […]

The Excitement Over the C., M. and St. P. Conductors Ends in Smoke

Posted Posted in C. M. & St. Paul, Eagle Point Wreck 1887, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Sunday October 2, 1887 C., M. & ST. P. CONDUCTORS. The Excitement Over the C., M. and St. P. Conductors Ends in Smoke. Everything “Quiet on the Patomac” and “All’s Well That Ends Well.” The conductors and engineers like the “king of Spain who, with 40,000 men, marched up the […]

An Incompetent Council.

Posted Posted in 1887, Sewerage System

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Sunday October 2, 1887 An Incompetent Council. We shall evidently have no sewerage in Dubuque this year or until we get another council. Four weeks ago the construction of the system was on the very verge of being begun, now the whole matter is indefinitely postponed. For several years some of […]

Dubuque Herald October 1, 1887 Local News In Brief

Posted Posted in News In Brief, October 1887

The Dubuque Herald October 1, 1887 Local News In Brief OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C., October 1, 1:30 a. m.} Indications—For Iowa: Generally warmer, fair weather; light to fresh winds, generally southerly. STAGE OF WATER, at 1 p m in feet and tenths, and change in 24 hours                                                                              CHANGE Stage            […]

An Interesting Meeting of the Directors Yesterday Afternoon

Posted Posted in 1887, Dubuque Board Of Trade

The Dubuque Herald       Saturday October 1, 1887 BOARD OF TRADE. An Interesting Meeting of the Directors Yesterday Afternoon.  Several New Enterprises Figuring to Locate Here—Some of Them Closed With. Since his return from the east Secretary McMaster has been kept very busy answering letters from parties in various parts of the country, some of […]

The Various Conductors Before the Coroner Reported to Have Been Discharged

Posted Posted in C. M. & St. Paul, Eagle Point Wreck 1887, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Saturday October 1, 1887 C., M. & ST. P. CONDUCTORS. The Various Conductors Before the Coroner Reported to Have Been Discharged. The Railroad Officials Deny Knowing Anything About the Matter. Since the coroner‘s inquest, when a large number of the conductors and engineers of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad […]