The Contract for the Approach to the High Bridge Let—Board of Registration Appointed.

Posted Posted in City Council, Fire Department, High Bridge Approach 1887, Sewerage Issue 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Tuesday October 4, 1887 CITY COUNCIL. The Saloons Will Remain Open on Sundays. Several Important Ordinances Passed—No More Discounts on Taxes Paid Before January 1. The Contract for the Approach to the High Bridge Let—Board of Registration Appointed. The Council Voting Thousands of Dollars for Sewers—Where is the Money Coming […]

The Contract for  the Approach to the Bridge Let

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, High Bridge Approach 1887, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

The Dubuque Daily Herald   Tuesday October 4, 1887 (Excerpted from City Council Meeting Minutes October 3 1887) CITY COUNCIL. The Saloons Will Remain Open on Sundays. Several Important Ordinances Passed—No More Discounts on Taxes Paid Before January 1. The Contract for  the Approach to the Bridge Let—Board of Registration Appointed. The Council Voting Thousands of […]

The Sewerage Question to be Put Off and Submitted to a Vote of the People

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, Sewerage Issue 1887, Sewerage System

The Dubuque Herald    Saturday September 24, 1887 TIMIDITY Enters Largely Into the Make Up of the Present City Council. Eight or Ten Back-Bones Could Find Ready Sale in This Section of the Country. The Sewerage Question to be Put Off and Submitted to a Vote of the People. The Tax Levy Made the Same as […]

Describes the Action of the Council Upon the Sewerage Question

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, Sewerage Issue 1887, Sewerage System

The Dubuque Herald     Sunday September 18, 1887 DILATORY. Describes the Action of the Council Upon the Sewerage Question. Engineer Davis Explains His Plans to a Meeting of the Council. A Change in the Ordinance Ordered—An Estimate of the Cost in the First District. Seven alderman were present at the meeting, as follows: Byrne, Kenneally, […]

President Cleveland Finds it Impossible to Accept the Invitation of Dubuque Citizens

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, High Bridge 1887, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

Dubuque Daily Herald  Tuesday September 13, 1887    CAN’T COME. President Cleveland Finds it Impossible to Accept the Invitation of Dubuque Citizens. In response to the city council’s invitation, Ald. Doerfler yesterday morning received the following: EXECUTIVE MANSION WASHINGTON, Sept. 7, 1887. Hon. Louis Doerfler, Mayor pro tempera, Dubuque, Iowa: DEAR SIR—I have received the invitation kindly […]

The Time of Letting the Sewerage Contract Extended Ten Days.

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, Sewerage Issue 1887, Sewerage System

The Dubuque Herald     Tuesday September 6, 1887 A LONG SESSION. The City Council Attend to Much Business in a Full Day and Evening. The Time of Letting the Sewerage Contract Extended Ten Days. The Day‘s Work System of Performing Street Work Reported to be a Complete Success.  All the alderman save Haydon were present. […]

The Plans for the Sewerage System Adopted and the Main Sewer Ordered by a Vote of 7 to 3

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, Sewerage Issue 1887, Sewerage System

The Dubuque Herald    Wednesday August 31, 1887 SUCCESSFUL. The Majority of the Aldermen Are Looking Carefully to the Interests and Well-Being of the City. The Plans for the Sewerage System Adopted and the Main Sewer Ordered by a Vote of 7 to 3. Sewerage was the subject of last night’s special session of the council. […]

A Special Meeting of the Council Held for the Purpose of Considering it—Sewerage

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, Sewerage Issue 1887, Sewerage System

The Dubuque Herald  Saturday August 27, 1887 CITY SEWERAGE. A Special Meeting of the Council Held for the Purpose of Considering it. The Meeting Attended by a Full Lobby of the Citizens Who are Interested. The Board of Trade Committee and Others Present the Case Fully to the Council. Committees Appointed for the Purpose of Facilitating […]

THE SEWERAGE—The City Council Will Consider it To-Day With Our Citizens. The Board of Trade’s Committee

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, Sewerage Issue 1887, Sewerage System

The Dubuque Herald Friday August 26, 1887 THE SEWERAGE. The City Council Will Consider it To-Day With Our Citizens. The Board of Trade’s Committee—The Plans Proposed—The  Progressive Construction—Let Her Roll ! The city council will meet in special session to-night to consider the sewerage system and to receive the resolutions lately adopted by the board of trade […]

Reports of Officers—Bridge Approach Issues 8 2 1887

Posted Posted in City Council, Reports of Officers—Bridge Approach Issues 8 2 1887

The Dubuque Herald  Tuesday August 2, 1887 COUNCIL MEETING. Reports of Officers—Some Street Talk—Other Matters. Tim council met at 9 o’clock yesterday morning, Mayor Voelker and all the aldermen present except Doerfler and Hayden. A large number of bills were read, most of which were approved and ordered to be paid. Ald. Mulkern stated, concerning the […]