Reports of Officers—Bridge Issues

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, High Bridge 1887, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

The Dubuque Herald  Tuesday August 2, 1887 COUNCIL MEETING.  Reports of Officers—Some Street Talk—Other Matters. Tim council met at 9 o’clock yesterday morning, Mayor Voelker and all the aldermen present except Doerfler and Hayden. A large number of bills were read, most of which were approved and ordered to be paid. Ald. Mulkern stated, concerning the […]

The City Council Adopt the Way Via Seventh and Under the Track

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, High Bridge Approach 1887, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Saturday July 16, 1887 VIA SEVENTH. The City Council Adopt the Way Via Seventh and Under the Track. This Approach to be Completed by the Time of the Opening the Bridge. The council chamber was well filled last evening with those interested in the approach to the high bridge, and the action […]

Council Meeting The Bridge Approach

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, High Bridge Approach 1887, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

The Dubuque Herald  Thursday July 14, 1887 THAT APPROACH. The Subject of a Special Meeting of the City Council—The Attorney’s Report. Ed. Keas Appointed to a Position in the Fire Department—Street Improvement Matters. All the alderman were present save Ald. Doerfler. The mayor announced that the meeting had been called at the request of the city […]

The Way to the High Bridge

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, High Bridge Approach 1887, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Wednesday July 6, 1887 (Excerpted from City Council Meeting Minutes July  5, 1887) SLOW WORK. The City Council Stumble Through Some Business and Adjourn Until Friday. The Car Company to Move Its Clay Street Track—The Way to the High Bridge. Forenoon Session. The council were all present save Ald. Hayden at the […]

The City Council Contract for the Gamewell System of Fire Alarm Boxes

Posted Posted in City Council, Fire Alarm 1887, Fire Department, Gamewell Fire Alarm System, Sewerage Issue 1887

The Dubuque Herald    Saturday June 11, 1887 FIRE ALARM The City Council Contract for the Gamewell System of Fire Alarm Boxes  The Same to be Put in Complete with Twenty Boxes, Indicators, Etc, for $5,000.  The City Ordinances to be Revised and Printed.  The Gas Ordinance Called Up and Referred for Another Month.  The […]

They Visit the High Bridge

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, High Bridge 1887, High Bridge Approach 1887, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Friday June 3, 1887 (Excerpted from City Council Meeting Minutes June 2, 1887) THE CITY’S STATESMEN. The Ten Aldermen and Mayor Meet as a Committee of the Whole To Report Adversely Upon the Communication of the Supervisors. They Visit the High Bridge, Eagle Point, and Several Other Locations in the Afternoon. The […]

The Committee Visit the High Bridge and Seventeenth Street and View the Ground

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, High Bridge Approach 1887, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Thursday May 19, 1887 CITY COUNCIL  The Committee of the Whole Hold an Interesting Meeting. The Proposition of the County Supervisors Relative to the Employ of Prisoners Referred. The Gas Petition to Be the Special Order of Business Next Monday Evening. The Cow Ordinance Not to Be Changed —The Street Car Company […]

The Pontoon Bridge Receives $3,500 Upon a Showing of Half the Work Complete

Posted Posted in City Council, Pontoon Bridge, Pontoon Bridge, The Wagon Bridge

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Sunday February 20, 1887 CITY COUNCIL. The City Assessor to Have One or More Assistants in the Work. A Printed Form to be Used by Him in the Work of Making the Assessment. The Pontoon Bridge Receives $3,500 Upon a Showing of Half the Work Completed. The city council met last evening, […]

The Pontoon Ordinance Passed by a Vote of 6 to 4, and the $25,000 Consequently Donated

Posted Posted in City Council, Pontoon Bridge, The High Bridge 1886, The Wagon Bridge, Wagon Bridge 1886

Dubuque Telegraph Herald   Tuesday August 3, 1886  (Excerpted from City Council Meeting Minutes August 2, 1886) CITY COUNCIL The Pontoon Ordinance Passed by a Vote of 6 to 4, and the $25,000 Consequently Donated.  The regular monthly meeting of the city council was held at the chamber yesterday. The morning session was attended by only […]

A Resolution Introduced Concerning a  Wagon Bridge

Posted Posted in 1886, City Council, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1886, The Wagon Bridge, Wagon Bridge 1886

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Tuesday January 5, 1886 (Excerpted from City Council Meeting Minutes January 4, 1886) CITY COUNCIL The Stout Proposition Finally Accepted.  A Resolution Introduced Concerning a  Wagon Bridge.  A Superior Court—Bills Allowed—Gen. Booth Submits a Proposition—Petitions, Etc. MORNING SESSION The council met in regular monthly session yesterday morning, Mayor Glab in the chair […]