Excerpted from City Council Meeting Minutes September 6, 1878

Posted Posted in City Council, Excerpted from City Council Meeting Minutes September 6, 1878

The Dubuque Daily Herald Saturday September 7, 1878   (Excerpted from City Council Meeting Minutes September 6, 1878) MUNICIPAL MORSELS.  An Adjourned Session Of The City Council. The City Dads Implored To Abate The Hill Street Railway As A Nuisance. The Tax Levy For I878 Placed At Eleven Mills, Including Water Tax. Passage of the […]

Meeting Minutes January 7, 1878

Posted Posted in City Council, Excerpted from City Council Meeting Minutes June 3, 1878

Tuesday January 8, 1878 (Excerpt January 7, 1878 Council Meeting) THE CITY FATHERS. Proceedings of the Regular January Session.  The Usual Routine of  Business Transacted Counsel met in regular session at 9 o’clock a. m., Monday morning. Mayor Burch and all the aldermen present. Minutes of previous meetings read and approved. A number of petitions […]

 Deliberate in Council Upon the Occasion of Their Regular Monthly Session

Posted Posted in City Council

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Tuesday, June 4, 1878 (Excerpted from City Council Meeting Minutes June 3, 1878) THE CITY FATHERS.   Deliberate in Council Upon the Occasion of Their Regular Monthly Session. And Transact the Usual Routine of Business. Council met in regular session yesterday morning at 9 o’clock, the mayor and all the members of the […]