The Key City of the Northwest and the Chief City of the State of Iowa

Posted Posted in 1887, Dubuque Statistics

Dubuque Daily Herald     Wednesday November 30, 1887 DUBUQUE.  The Key City of the Northwest and the Chief City of the State of Iowa.  The Advantages Possessed by Dubuque as a Commercial, Manufacturing and Residence City. Is situated on the Mississippi river nearly midway between St. Louis and St. Paul, and directly opposite the boundary […]

The Important Part the Mississippi Plays in Dubuque Commerc

Posted Posted in Dubuque Statistics, The Mississippi

Dubuque Semi-Centennial Herald  May 9, 1886 THE RIVER. The Important Part the Mississippi Plays in Dubuque Commerce. It Gives Low Rates of Itself and Compels the Railroads to Do Likewise. Dubuque the Most Important River Headquarter on the Upper Mississippi. One of the strongest points about the the advantage of Dubuque as a commercial point is […]

Her Railroad System Extending in All Directions. . . . . A Map of the Connections Possessed by the City

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., C. B. & Q., C. M. & St. Paul, Chicago Great Western, Chicago Northwestern, Dubuque Statistics, Dubuque-Northwestern, I. C., Railroads

    Dubuque Semi-Centennial Herald  May 9, 1886 DUBUQUE RAILROADS Her Railroad System Extending in All Directions. A Map of the Connections Possessed by the City.  Over 12,000 lilies New Reach Dubuque and a Probability of Many  Some of the Strong Advantages Possessed by This City.  TEH RAILROAD MAP. Dubuque is acquiring a railroad system and connections surpassed but by […]

The Sanitary Condition of Dubuque—Report of the City Health Physician

Posted Posted in City Physician Health Report, Dubuque History, Dubuque Statistics

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Wednesday March 17, 1886 CITY AFFAIRS.  The Sanitary Condition of Dubuque—Report of the City Health Physician. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. HONORABLE GENTLEMEN: The board of health would respectfully submit the following report as a brief and general showing of the transactions of this department […]


Posted Posted in 1868, Dubuque Statistics

The Dubuque Daily Times  Friday January 1, 1869 DUBUQUE IN 1868 INTERESTING SHOWING OF HER COMMERCE AND MANUFACTORIES. LIST OF NEW BUILDINGS. Sales of Hardware, Groceries, Dry Goods and Merchandise.  Over a Million and a Half Expended in Improvements. RIVER and RAILROAD. STREET EXPENDITURES. TWO MILLIONS OF MANUFACTURES. LUMBER STATISTICS. Twelve Million Dollars Worth of Sales. […]

Posted Posted in 1868, Dubuque Statistics

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Sunday December 20, 1868 THE MANUFACTURING INTEREST Statistics of Capital Invested and Value of Manufactures of Dubuque for the Year 1868. List of the Principal Manufacturing Establishments A Comparison Exhibiting the Growth of the Manufacturing Business A FLATTERING SHOWING. Dubuque is rapidly becoming a manufacturing as well as a commercial city. The […]

Letter from Mayor Turck to the Commissioner of General Land Office.

Posted Posted in 1868, Dubuque Statistics

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Thursday September 3, 1868 STATISTICS Of DUBUQUE. UNPARALLELED PROGRESS AND PROSPERITY. A VALUABLE EXHIBIT (Bookman old style) Letter from Mayor Turck to the Commissioner of General Land Office. A few days since Mayor Turck received from Hon. Jos. S. Wilson, commissioner of the general land office, a letter, requesting a compendious statement […]

Dubuque Statistics 1867

Posted Posted in 1867, Dubuque Statistics

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Sunday December 15, 1867   THE MANUFACTURING INTEREST. Statistics of Capitol and Value of Manufactured Product List of Principal Manufacturing Establishments. The Extent of Dubuque Manufacturing. Flattering Showing. The manufacturing interest of Dubuque has done more to bring prosperity to the city, and add to its population, during the past year than […]

City Improvements for1850

Posted Posted in 1850, Dubuque Statistics

The Dubuque Weekly Tribune Wednesday November 13, 1850 City Improvements for1850. Few seasons have opened more inauspiciously for Dubuque than did the one now drawing to a close. With the very commencement of the current year, the minds of many of our citizens, as well as of persons residing in other portions of the county, became […]

City Improvements for 1850

Posted Posted in 1850

The Dubuque Weekly Tribune    Wednesday November 13, 1850   City Improvements for 1850.   Few seasons have opened more inauspiciously for Dubuque than did the one now drawing to a close. With the very commencement of the current year, the minds of many of our citizens, as well as of persons residing in other portions […]