A Grand Martial Entertainment at Camp Peabody

Posted Posted in 4th Regiment 1878, Encampments

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Thursday October 17, 1878 MILITARY MANOEUVERINGS. A Grand Martial Entertainment at Camp Peabody. The Blind-Fold Drill—Military Tactics —Battle of Bee Branch. Wednesday being the eventful day for the 4th regiment, I. N. G., and for the citizens at large, as well, the sun rose in splendor, the sky was clear—indications of […]

The Entire Regiment on the Grounds

Posted Posted in 4th Regiment 1878, Encampments

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Wednesday October 15, 1878 CAMP PEABODY. The Entire Regiment on the Grounds, and More soldier, Expected To-day. A Grand Military Entertainment This Afternoon.  The clerk of the weather was the  recipient of doleful anathemas for his interference with the festivities at Camp Peabody on Tuesday. The members of the gallant 4th anticipated […]

Twelve Companies, Including the Entire Fourth Regiment in Camp.

Posted Posted in 4th Regiment 1878, Encampments

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Tuesday October 15, 1878 CAMP PEABODY. Scenes Of Other Days Enacted at the Fair Grounds. Twelve Companies, Including the Entire Fourth Regiment in Camp.  The Mess Room—Sutler’s Department-—The Roster—Etc. Early on Monday morning. upon the arrival of the western train, those who were still hugging their feather pillows, and others who were […]