Blackhawk Hose Company Of Pierre, Dakota

Posted Posted in 1886 Tournament, Fire Department

The Dubuque Daily Herald Friday May 28, 1886  The Tournament. A letter received by Secretary Agnew yesterday morning from Pierre, Dak., instructed him to enter the Blackhawk hose company of that city in the free-for-all-race. The company will be accompanied by the famous Eleventh Regiment band stationed at Fort Sully, Dak. The Independent hose company writes […]

A Committee Meeting at the Court House Last Evening

Posted Posted in 1886 Tournament, Fire Department

The Dubuque Daily Herald   Tuesday May 25, 1886 THE FIREMENS’ TOURNAMENT. A Committee Meeting at the Court House Last Evening. A largely attended meeting of the different committees having in charge the Firemens’ tournament was held at the court house last evening to make reports of their standing and to perfect arrangements for the coming great […]

The Forthcoming Tournament Will be One of the Largest Ever Held in the State – Extensive Preparations Being Made

Posted Posted in 1886 Tournament, Fire Department

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Thursday May 20, 1886 THE FIREMEN’S TOURNAMENT. The Forthcoming Tournament Will be One of the Largest Ever Held in the State – Extensive Preparations Being Made. Advices continue to pour in from this and adjoining states, giving promise that the forthcoming tournament will eclipse in grandeur, display and in number of attendance […]

The Arrangements for the June Tournament in this City.

Posted Posted in 1886 Tournament, Fire Department

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Sunday April 11, 1886 FIRE FIGHTERS. The Arrangements for the June Tournament in this City. City Recorder Agnew, who is the corresponding secretary of the State Fireman’s Association, has received an endless number of letters from different parts of the state concerning the forthcoming tournament. The attendance will be unusually large, and […]

THE TOURNAMENT. . . . Hundreds Coming From Every Part of the State.

Posted Posted in 1886 Tournament, Fire Department

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Wednesday March 25, 1886 THE TOURNAMENT.  Hundreds Coming From Every Part of the State. Captain Merry, the Illinois Central’s excursion agent, was in the city yesterday, and he informed the executive committee of the firemen’s tournament that every city, town and hamlet in Iowa would send large delegations to the tournament in […]

A Committee Meeting Last Evening The Outlook Promising for a Splendid Meeting

Posted Posted in 1886 Tournament, Fire Department

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Saturday March 19, 1886 THE FIREMEN‘S TOURNAMENT. A Committee Meeting Last Evening The Outlook Promising for a Splendid Meeting. The finance committee of the forthcoming firemen’s tournament held a meeting last evening at the city hall, to make arrangements for soliciting subscriptions for the prize fund of the tournament. A large number […]