Meeting of the Executive Committee Last Evening—Finance Committee Appointed

Posted Posted in 1886 Tournament, Fire Department

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Sunday February 28, 1886 FIREMEN’S TOURNAMENT.  Meeting of the Executive Committee Last Evening—Finance Committee Appointed. The executive committe on arrangements met at the city hall to appoint finance committees in the different wards to canvass for subscriptions to aid the next annual tournament of the .Iowa State Fireman’s association, to be held […]

The Citizens of Dubuque Prepare For the State Tournament

Posted Posted in 1886 Tournament, Fire Department

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Friday February 19, 1886 IOWA FIREMEN. The Citizens of Dubuque Prepare For the State Tournament To Be Held in This City the Second Week in June—A Good Meeting at the Court House Last Evening. Officers Elected—Committees Appointed—Expressions of Co-operation  and the Indications Point to a Rousing Tournament. A large number of citizens gathered […]

Preparations for the Forthcoming Meeting of the Fire-Fighters in This City

Posted Posted in 1886 Tournament, Fire Department

The Dubuque Daily Herald   Sunday February 14, 1886  THE FIREMEN’S TOURNAMENT. Preparations for the Forthcoming Meeting of the Fire-Fighters in This City. In this city, during the month of June next, will occur the eighth annual tournament of the Iowa State Firemen’s Association. The tournaments in the past years have been held in Cedar Rapids, […]

Preparations for the State Tournament to be Held in This City

Posted Posted in 1886 Tournament, Fire Department

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Tuesday January 19, 1886  IOWA FIREMEN. Preparations for the State Tournament to be Held in This City.  The Prizes Offered—The Waterloo Department Censored. The forthcoming meeting of the State Fireman’s association in this city will be an interesting event. The tournament promises to be as largely attended as in former years. The […]

Preparations for the State Tournament to be Held in This City

Posted Posted in 1886 Tournament, Fire Department

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Tuesday January 19, 1886  IOWA FIREMEN. Preparations for the State Tournament to be Held in This City.  The Prizes Offered—The Waterloo Department Censored. The forthcoming meeting of the State Fireman’s association in this city will be an interesting event. The tournament promises to be as largely attended as in former years. The […]