Depression of 1873 Halted Building Operations on This House

Posted Posted in Ernst M. Porter, Historic Dubuque Homes

The Telegraph-Herald and Times – Journal Sunday June 17, 1934 Depression of 1873 Halted Building Operations on This House, Former Home of Early Dubuque Dentist   A  “House-of Dentists” When, workmen began construction of the “palatial” home shown in the  photograph reproduced with this article, early settlers of Du­buque were taking the first steps to provide a monument for Julien Dubuque’s […]

Two-Story Frame at Tenth and Main Streets built by Samuel Dixon in 1839

Posted Posted in Historic Dubuque Homes, Samuel D. Dixon

The Telegraph-Herald and Times – Journal   Sunday March 4, 1934 One of Dubuque’s Oldest Houses Two-Story Frame at Tenth and Main Streets built by Samuel Dixon in 1839 There possibly is no one in Du­buque who does not recognize the house in the photograph reproduced below. Generations of Dubuquers have passed before this two-story frame dwelling which […]

Old Home of the Judge Adams Family

Posted Posted in Judge Austin Adams

The Telegraph-Herald  and  Times – Journal    Sunday April 8, 1934 Greeley, Emerson and Alcott Were Welcomed Guests in This Historic Old Home of the Judge Adams Family   Men and women whose personali­ties dominated the American field of arts more than half a century ago and whose names today remain un­challenged in the leadership of their fields, were […]

Home Near West Fourteenth and Bluff Once Popularly Known as “Fort Rittenhouse.”

Posted Posted in Fort Rittenhouse, Historic Dubuque Homes

The Telegraph-Herald   And  Times Journal  Sunday February 4, 1934 One of Dubuque’s Historic Old Homes Home Near West Fourteenth and Bluff Once Popularly Known as “Fort Rittenhouse.” Although Dubuque as a city has just ended the first century of her existence, scattered about within her limits can be found many truly old houses, houses with interesting histories […]