The Skirmishing Preceding the Battle of Pecatonica

Posted Posted in Black Hawk, Indian History

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Sunday November 13, 1887 BLACK HAWK. The Skirmishing Preceding the Battle of Pecatonica.  Attack on Apple River Fort—The Indians Repulsed—Relief Sent from Galena.  Black Hawk Draws Major Dement and His Troops Into Ambush. BY JUDGE T. S. WILSON.  The country was all in a panic on account of Indian murders being committed […]

Sketch of the Great Indian Warrior—His Enmity to the Americans.

Posted Posted in Black Hawk, Indian History

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Sunday October 9, 1887 Judge Wilson’s Article. Last winter Judge T. S. Wilson contributed to the Herald a series of articles on the early history of this section, and especially upon Indian traditions, treaties, wars and names, that were exceedingly valuable and which were widely read and highly commended. He has now […]


Posted Posted in Indian History, Towns and Countys

The Dubuque Daily Herald Sunday January 30, 1887  An Interesting Article. The derivation and meaning of many of the Indian names of towns and localities that have been retained throughout this portion of the northwest is always an interesting study. Judge T. S. Wilson contributes an interesting article on this subject in another column of to-day’s […]