Class Legislation Dangerous —That Has Been the Curse of Ireland —The Gross Assault on Sheriff McCann.

Posted Posted in County Election 1887, Knights of Labor, Opposition To K of L 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Sunday November 6, 1887 WHY I OPPOSE THE LABOR TICKET  Class Legislation Dangerous —That Has Been the Curse of Ireland —The Gross Assault on Sheriff McCann.  To the Editor of the Dubuque Herald. Anent the quarrel now waging between the Herald and Telegraph, let me say, from the start, I have […]

The Union Labor Party’s Record with City Finances

Posted Posted in County Election 1887, Failure To Govern 1887, Knights of Labor

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Thursday November 3, 1887 The Union Labor Party’s Record with City Finances.  The Union Labor party that carried the city last spring was then untried and scoured success by crying reform, reduce taxation, reduce expenses, reduce the debt and so on. The same party is now trying to gain control […]

MAYOR VOELKER —Will Please Rise and Explain.

Posted Posted in County Election 1887, Failure To Govern 1887, Knights of Labor, Opposition To K of L 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Wednesday November 2, 1887 MAYOR VOELKER Will Please Rise and Explain. The “Industrial Leader Extra” of a few days since, tons of which have been sent over the county, states that the county  funds during the past ten years have “been squandered in paying extravagant salaries and in purchasing supplies […]

“Old Settler” Has Something to Say Regarding the Importance of the Coming Election

Posted Posted in County Election 1887, Knights of Labor, Opposition To K of L 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Tuesday November 1, 1887 For the Sake of Dubuque.  All who are interested in Dubuque, all who desire to see it prosper and grow, all owning property and homes here, all business men, all clerks, and all workingmen, should be sure and register to-morrow, the last chance to do so, […]

How the Leader Man Tries to Escape Responsibility—What Reform  Has the Leader Party Made

Posted Posted in County Election 1887, Knights of Labor, Opposition To K of L 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Sunday October 30, 1887 VOX REPLIES.  How the Leader Man Tries to Escape Responsibility—What Reform  Has the Leader Party Made.  To the Editor of the Dubuque Herald. Frank Sheridan in his answer to my former communication relative to his alleged robbery, says “that he does not care the snap of […]