The Workingmen of Dubuque—No New Paper Needed

Posted Posted in County Election 1887, Knights of Labor, Opposition To K of L 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Sunday October 23, 1887 The Workingmen of Dubuque.  Any workingman who voted last spring for the ring of those few politicians who call themselves the Union Labor party, and are working the Knights of Labor to support them in office, should ask himself how much benefit that vote has done […]

The German Catholics Against the Knights of Labor

Posted Posted in Knights of Labor, Opposition To K of L 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Wednesday September 7, 1887 The German Catholics Against the Knights of Labor.  The German Catholic convention at Chicago has hit the Knights of Labor a hard blow. Resolutions were introduced which were received with applause declaring against the Knights and scoring them in severe terms The talk of the Knights […]

The Organization Hold their Second Meeting—An Extremely Small Attendanc

Posted Posted in Knights of Labor

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Friday September 2, 1887 UNION LABOR CLUB.  The Organization Hold their Second Meeting—An Extremely Small Attendance.  Between eighty and ninety persons, including reporters, janitor and curiosity hunters were at the court house pursuant to call of the Union Labor club for a second meeting. At considerably past the hour set for […]

Vociferous Complaints That Too Many Knights of Labor Hold Office Now

Posted Posted in City Council 1887, Failure To Govern 1887, Knights of Labor

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Thursday August 18, 1887 ONE TO MANY .  Vociferous Complaints That Too Many Knights of Labor Hold Office Now.  Last evening the office was filled at different times with  complaining individuals, both male and female, who were not at all mild in their denunciation of the present park custodian and […]

Spreading its Wings

Posted Posted in City Council 1887, Knights of Labor

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Sunday May 29, 1887 Spreading its Wings.  The Knights of Labor, originally organized to promote and defend the interests of laborers, and especially against the encroachments of grinding capital and remorseless employers, have now grown far beyond its original confines, and seek to control many things not originally contemplated when first […]