Dubuque Herald May 30, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF

Posted Posted in May 1886, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald May 30, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF DUBUQUE, May 29, 1886. Mean barometer                                          29.850 Mean thermometer                                      68. Mean relative humidity                              66. Maximum temperature,                              83. Minimum temperature,                              60. Prevailing Winds                                         S. Total precipitation, 0.14. RIVER BULLETIN. The following are the stages of water at the points named […]

Dubuque Herald May 29, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF

Posted Posted in May 1886, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald May 29, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF DUBUQUE, May 28, 1886. Mean barometer                                          29.880 Mean thermometer                                      68. Mean relative humidity                              52. Maximum temperature,                              81. Minimum temperature,                              2 Prevailing Winds                                         S. W. Total precipitation, 0.00. RIVER BULLETIN. The following are the stages of water at the points […]

Dubuque Herald May 28 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF

Posted Posted in May 1886, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald May 28 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF DUBUQUE, May 27, 1886. Mean barometer                                          29.861 Mean thermometer                                      65. Mean relative humidity                              56. Maximum temperature,                              75. Minimum temperature,                              59. Prevailing Winds                                         N. Total precipitation, 0.00. RIVER BULLETIN. The following are the stages of water at the points named […]

Dubuque Herald May 27, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF

Posted Posted in May 1886, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald May 27, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF DUBUQUE, May 26, 1886. Mean barometer                                          29.872 Mean thermometer                                      67.3 Mean relative humidity                              62. Maximum temperature,                              79. Minimum temperature,                              53. Prevailing Winds                                         W. Total precipitation, 0.00. RIVER BULLETIN. The following are the stages of water at the points named […]

Dubuque Herald May 26, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF

Posted Posted in May 1886, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald May 26, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF DUBUQUE, May 25, 1886. Mean barometer                                          30.065 Mean thermometer                                      58. Mean relative humidity                              55. Maximum temperature,                              70. Minimum temperature,                              45. Prevailing Winds                                         S. W. Total precipitation, 0.00. RIVER BULLETIN. The following are the stages of water at the points […]

Dubuque Herald May 25, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF

Posted Posted in May 1886, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald May 25, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF DUBUQUE, May 24, 1886. Mean barometer                                          29.984 Mean thermometer                                      64. Mean relative humidity                              58. Maximum temperature,                              78. Minimum temperature,                              55. Prevailing Winds                                         N. Total precipitation, 0.00. RIVER BULLETIN. The following are the stages of water at the points named […]

Dubuque Herald May 23, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF

Posted Posted in May 1886, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald May 23, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF The Weather. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C., May 23. 1:30 a. m. Indications—For Iowa: Light local rains, nearly stationary temperature, variable winds.   —W. H. Torbert’s, wholesale and retail druggist,750 Main street. —Jordan and photographs.           tf —Lindeman Piano, C. Sass, Agt., […]

Dubuque Herald May 22, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF

Posted Posted in May 1886, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald May 22, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF The Weather. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C., May 22. 1:30 a. m. Indications—For Iowa: Slightly cooler weather. Variable winds.   —W. H. Torbert’s, wholesale and retail druggist,750 Main street. —Jordan and photographs.           tf —Lindeman Piano, C. Sass, Agt., 1050 Clay —Six […]

Dubuque Herald May 21, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF

Posted Posted in May 1886, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald May 21, 1886 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF The Weather. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C. May 21. 1:30 a. m. Indications—For Iowa: Fair weather, followed by local rains, southerly winds shifting to northwesterly. Stationary, followed  by slightly lower temperature. Conditions favorable for severe local storms.   —W. H. Torbert’s, […]

Dubuque Herald May 20, 1886, LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF

Posted Posted in May 1886, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald May 20, 1886, LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF DUBUQUE, May 19, 1886. Mean barometer                                          30.013 Mean thermometer                                      61. Mean relative humidity                              50. Maximum temperature,                              72. Minimum temperature,                              53. Prevailing Winds                                         N. W. Total precipitation, 0.00. RIVER BULLETIN. The following are the stages of water at the points […]