The Board of Trade—Particulars of the Milwaukee Interview.

Posted Posted in 1887, C. M. & St. Paul, Dubuque Board Of Trade, Railroads, Repair Shops Removal 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald      Friday December 30, 1887 THE SHOPS.  The Board of Trade—Particulars of the Milwaukee Interview. Mr. Miller’s Caustic Arraignment of the Board—Admirable Temper of the Committee. Strong and Vigorous Presentation of their Case—Conclusions Manfully Stated.   To the Members of the Board of Trade of Dubuque: Your committee, appointed by your Board […]

Board of Trade Committee

Posted Posted in 1887, C. M. & St. Paul, Dubuque Board Of Trade, Railroads, Repair Shops Removal 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Wednesday December 21, 1887 Board of Trade Committee. Chicago Times: Messrs. George B. Burch, W. H. Day, J. H. Lull, W. H. Torbert, William Andrew, Horace Poole, and C. W. Mitchell, a delegation from the board of trade of Dubuque, arrived at the Grand Pacific hotel last evening. These gentle men […]

A Decision Which Involves Some of the Points in the Dubuque Cases

Posted Posted in C. M. & St. Paul, I. C., Railroads, Switching Charges

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Wednesday December 14, 1887 SWITCHING CHARGES.  A Decision Which Involves Some of the Points in the Dubuque Cases.  On Monday morning, Judge Nelson  delivered an opinion in the United States circuit court at St. Paul, which is of great local interest. The Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul brought a bill […]

Pass Resolutions in Reference to the Milwaukee Shops Matter

Posted Posted in 1887, C. M. & St. Paul, Dubuque Board Of Trade, Railroads, Repair Shops Removal 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Tuesday December 13, 1887 THE BOARD OF TRADE.  Pass Resolutions in Reference to the Milwaukee Shops Matter.  A Committee to Go to Milwaukee to Settle Any Differences and Urge the Schullsburgh Extension. The directory of the Board of Trade of the city met last yesterday afternoon in regular meeting and discussed […]

Will Hereafter be Known as the Chicago, St. Paul and Kansas City

Posted Posted in Chicago, St. Paul and Kansas City, Dubuque-Northwestern, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Thursday December 8, 1887 THE STICKNEY SYSTEM. Will Hereafter be Known as the Chicago, St. Paul and Kansas City. A meeting of the board of directors of the Chicago, St. Paul and Kansas City railroad was held in this city yesterday and completed the negotiations whereby the Minnesota and Northwestern is […]

 Some of the Reasons Why the Railroad Officials Should Not Object to a Determination of their Rights

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., C. M. & St. Paul, I. C., Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Thursday December 8, 1887 THAT REPORT. It is Liable to Be Unsatisfactory to Some.  Some of the Reasons Why the Railroad Officials Should Not Object to a Determination of their Rights. The report read at the meeting of the city council yesterday, as the report of the  committee who  visited  […]

The City Attorney Makes a Report for the Committee who Visited Milwaukee

Posted Posted in C. M. & St. Paul, City Council, Committee Report On Milwaukee Shops Removal 12 8 1887, Railroads, Repair Shops Removal 1887

The Dubuque Herald    Thursday December 8, 1887 THE WISE MEN. The City Council Meets and Votes Itself $3,600.  The City Attorney Makes a Report for the Committee who Visited Milwaukee. MORNING SESSION. The council met at 9:40, Mayor Voelker presiding. The reading of the minutes of meeting for the month of November was, on motion, postponed. […]