Work Will Still Be Done at the Dubuque Shops— The Contract With the City

Posted Posted in C. M. & St. Paul, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Tuesday October11, 1887 THE RAILROAD SHOPS.  Work Will Still Be Done at the Dubuque Shops— The Contract With the City.  It has been the intention of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul management, for some past to establish at Marion or Cedar Rapids, some shops where repair work could be done, […]

Hon. Lorenzo S. Collin Delivers an Eloquent Address Sunday Evening

Posted Posted in Accidents, C. M. & St. Paul, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Tuesday October 11, 1887 RAILWAY EMPLOYES. Hon. Lorenzo S. Collin Delivers an Eloquent Address Sunday Evening.  The Opera House Filled and Resolutions Passed Favoring the Reforms Advocated by the Speaker. A large audience gathered at the opera house Sunday evening to listen to the Hon. Lorenzo S. Coffin, one of […]

The Excitement Over the C., M. and St. P. Conductors Ends in Smoke

Posted Posted in C. M. & St. Paul, Eagle Point Wreck 1887, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Sunday October 2, 1887 C., M. & ST. P. CONDUCTORS. The Excitement Over the C., M. and St. P. Conductors Ends in Smoke. Everything “Quiet on the Patomac” and “All’s Well That Ends Well.” The conductors and engineers like the “king of Spain who, with 40,000 men, marched up the […]

The Various Conductors Before the Coroner Reported to Have Been Discharged

Posted Posted in C. M. & St. Paul, Eagle Point Wreck 1887, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Saturday October 1, 1887 C., M. & ST. P. CONDUCTORS. The Various Conductors Before the Coroner Reported to Have Been Discharged. The Railroad Officials Deny Knowing Anything About the Matter. Since the coroner‘s inquest, when a large number of the conductors and engineers of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad […]

The Coroner Finishes His Examination as to the Cause of the Railroad Wreck.

Posted Posted in C. M. & St. Paul, Eagle Point Wreck 1887, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Wednesday September 28, 1887 JURYS JUDGMENT. The Coroner Finishes His Examination as to the Cause of the Railroad Wreck. The Jury Exonerates Clark and Fales, and Blames the Railroad Company for Not Making More Explicit Rules. Dispatcher Rogers Should Have Notified No. 4 that Wolcott Was Coming — The Verdict Returned […]

The Evidence Nearly Completed—No Blame Attaches to Conductor Wolcott

Posted Posted in C. M. & St. Paul, Eagle Point Wreck 1887, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Tuesday September 27, 1887 CORONER’S QUEST The Evidence Nearly Completed—No Blame Attaches to Conductor Wolcott. And the Matter Rests Between Conductor Clark and Dispatcher Rogers. Coroner Hoffman was engaged all day yesterday in taking testimony in reference to the accident at Eagle Point. The following is the substance of all testimony […]

Investigating the Collision—A Card of Thanks

Posted Posted in C. M. & St. Paul, Eagle Point Wreck 1887, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald   Friday September 23, 1887 Investigating the Collision. Yesterday the state board of railroad commissioners put in an appearance at Dubuque for the purpose of investigating the cause of the fearful and fatal collision on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad at Eagle Point on Monday last. It has been the […]