Her Railroad System Extending in All Directions. . . . . A Map of the Connections Possessed by the City

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., C. B. & Q., C. M. & St. Paul, Chicago Great Western, Chicago Northwestern, Dubuque Statistics, Dubuque-Northwestern, I. C., Railroads

    Dubuque Semi-Centennial Herald  May 9, 1886 DUBUQUE RAILROADS Her Railroad System Extending in All Directions. A Map of the Connections Possessed by the City.  Over 12,000 lilies New Reach Dubuque and a Probability of Many  Some of the Strong Advantages Possessed by This City.  TEH RAILROAD MAP. Dubuque is acquiring a railroad system and connections surpassed but by […]

More Rumors that the Chicago and Northwestern is Coming to Dubuque

Posted Posted in Chicago Northwestern, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Thursday February 18, 1886  THE RAILROADS. More Rumors that the Chicago and Northwestern is Coming to Dubuque. Manchester and the Dubuque and Northwestern—The Chicago, Burlington and Northern as a Lumber Feeder—Other Items.  THE CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN. The Chicago Tribune of yesterday says: Notwithstanding many contradictory reports it is stated on good authority […]