The New Bridge at Eagle Point Sure to be Constructed.

Posted Posted in 1886, C. B. & N., C. M. & St. Paul, I. C., Railroad Matters, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald   Sunday Marc h 21, 1886 RAILROAD NEWS. The New Bridge at Eagle Point Sure to be Constructed. The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific’s Intentions as to the Dubuque and Northwestern. Information from Galena. that the Illinois Central Will Control the New Road. The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul‘s Kansas City Line—Other […]

The Testimony in the Case not Yet in—Court Adjourned Till Monday

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., I. C., Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Sunday March 21, 1886 STILL AT WAR. The Chicago, Burlington and Northern and Illinois Central. Still Plowing up the Ground Between East Dubuque and Galena. One of the Greatest Cases Ever Tried in the Galena Courts. The Testimony in the Case not Yet in—Court Adjourned Till Monday. Special Correspondence Dubuque Herald. GALENA, […]

Conclusion of the Testimony of Gen. Supt. Jacobs of the Central

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., I. C., Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Friday March 19, 1886 GALENA’S GREAT CASE. Conclusion of the Testimony of Gen. Supt. Jacobs of the Central. President Clark and General Manager Jeffrey Arrive on the Scene. Also Col. Mason, Nelson B. Evans and Other Prominent Railroaders. The Examination of Mr. Jeffrey to be Resumed To-Day—Other Notes. Special Correspondence Dubuque Herald. […]

Testimony on the Part of the Chicago, Burlington and Northern Closed

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., I. C., Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald Wednesday March 17, 1886 THE CONDEMNATION CASE. Testimony on the Part of the Chicago, Burlington and Northern Closed. The Illinois Central Company Will Now Come to the Front. Prospects of a Bitter Contest Between the Lawyers of the Two Corporations. The Testimony of Engineer Purdy—Yesterday’s Proceedings. Resolutions of Respect to the […]

The Witnesses Examined—Lawyers on Both Sides Becoming Fatigued

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., I. C., Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Sunday March 14, 1886 STILL GRINDING. The Jo Daviess County Judicial Mill in Active Operation. Chicago, Burlington and Northern Right of Way Case Progressing Slowly. Court Adjourns Till Tuesday Morning —Jurors Anxious to See Their Homes. The Witnesses Examined—Lawyers on Both Sides Becoming Fatigued—Other Railroad Notes. Special Correspondence Dubuque Herald. GALENA, Ill., […]

Yesterday’s Proceedings in the Galena Temple of Justice

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., I. C., Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Saturday March 13, 1886 STILL ON TRIAL.  The Great Right-of-Way Case on the East Side. Yesterday’s Proceedings in the Galena Temple of Justice. Special Correspondence Dubuque Herald. GALENA, Ill., March 13. When our reporter reached the courtroom this morning he found seated on the witness stand General Superintendent Holcomb, of the Chicago, […]

A Number of Dubuque and East Dubuque Citizens on the Witness Stand

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., I. C., Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Friday March 12, 1886 FOR RIGHT OF WAY. The Railroad War at Galena Being Most Thoroughly Contested on Both Sides. A Number of Dubuque and East Dubuque Citizens on the Witness Stand. Proceedings in the Celebrated Case—Engineer Lawson‘s Important Statement. Special Correspondence Dubuque Herald. GALENA, Ill., March 11. The celebrated case which […]

Yesterday’s Proceedings at the C. B. & N. vs. I. C. Condemnation Case

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., I. C., Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Thursday March 11, 1886 THE RAILROAD FIGHT. The Celebrated Case Going on at Galena. Yesterday’s Proceedings at the C. B. & N. vs. I. C. Condemnation Case. Special Correspondence Dubuque Herald. GALENA, Ill., March 10. The sun arose in all its magnificent glory this morning. The eastern sky was aglow with its […]