The First Onslaught of the Illinois Central Repulsed

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., I. C., Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald Tuesday  March 9, 1886 THE C., B. & N. VICTORIOUS. The First Onslaught of the Illinois Central Repulsed. The Great Railroad Case in Galena—Judge Brown Overrules the Motion of the Central. The first hand to hand encounter between the great contending forces, the Illinois Central  and the Chicago, Burlington and Northern, resulted […]

The Illinois Central and Chicago, Burlington and Northwestern Law Suit at Galena—

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., I. C., Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Saturday March 6, 1886 THE RAILROADS. Financiers Curious to Know for What Purpose the Illinois Central Borrows Money. General Opinion is That it was for the Purchase of the Minnesota and Northwestern. The Illinois Central and Chicago, Burlington and Northwestern Law Suit at Galena—Other Items. The rumors which have been dying about for […]

The Illinois Central and the Chicago, Burlington and Northern’s Legal Tussle

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., I. C., Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Friday March 5, 1886 RAILROAD NEWS.  The Fight at Galena Now Being Tried There.  The Illinois Central and the Chicago, Burlington and Northern’s Legal Tussle.  BATTLE ARRAY. Special to the Dubuque Herald. Galena, Ill., March 4.—When Judge Brown called the court to order Wednesday morning he cast his eyes along the bar, […]

Dyersville Votes in Favor of a Five Per Cent. Tax—The Condemnation Cases at Galena—Other Notes.

Posted Posted in 1886, Railroad Matters, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald   Thursday Marc h 4, 1886 THE RAILROADS. Dyersville Votes in Favor of a Five Per Cent. Tax—The Condemnation Cases at Galena—Other Notes. The town of Dyersville yesterday voted on the 5 per cent. tax in aid of the Dubuque and Northwestern railroad, and the tax was carried almost unanimously. The vote […]

Report of the Directors of the Illinois Central to the Stockholders.

Posted Posted in I. C., Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Tuesday March 2, 1886 RAILROAD NEWS. Report of the Directors of the Illinois Central to the Stockholders. Some Interesting Figures—Rev. Conkey a Railroad Magnate—The M. & N. W.—Other Track News. The report of the directors of the Illinois Central to the stock holders has been issued and contains the following figures of […]

The Condemnation Cases at Galena . . Dubuque and Northwestern Tax

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., Dubuque-Northwestern, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Wednesday February 24, 1886 THE RAILROADS. The Condemnation Cases at Galena To-Day. Arrival on the Scene of Prominent Railroad Men—The Dubuque and Northwestern Tax.   There was a notable arrival of prominent railroad officials in this city yesterday, all on their way to Galena to be present at the trial of the […]

More Rumors that the Chicago and Northwestern is Coming to Dubuque

Posted Posted in Chicago Northwestern, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Thursday February 18, 1886  THE RAILROADS. More Rumors that the Chicago and Northwestern is Coming to Dubuque. Manchester and the Dubuque and Northwestern—The Chicago, Burlington and Northern as a Lumber Feeder—Other Items.  THE CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN. The Chicago Tribune of yesterday says: Notwithstanding many contradictory reports it is stated on good authority […]