Dubuque Herald September 2, 1887 Local News In Brief

Posted Posted in 1887, News In Brief, Railroads, September 1887, Sewerage System

The Dubuque Herald September 2, 1887 Local News In Brief OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C., September 2, 1:30 a. m.} Indications—For Iowa: Cooler threatening weather; local rain, light to fresh winds, generally southeasterly. STAGE OF WATER, at 1 p m in feet and tenths, and change in 24 hours                                                                              CHANGE […]

Dubuque Herald September 1, 1887 Local News In Brief

Posted Posted in 1887, News In Brief, Railroads, September 1887, Sewerage System, Switching Issues

The Dubuque Herald September 1, 1887 Local News In Brief OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C., September 1, 1:30 a. m.} Indications —For Iowa: Local showers in the northwest portion; fair weather in southeast portion, slightly cooler, variable preceeded in eastern portion by southerly winds. STAGE OF WATER, at 1 p m […]

Articles of Incorporation Filed With the Recorder

Posted Posted in Railroads, Southwestern Railroad

The Dubuque Daily Herald   Tuesday August 30, 1887 THE NEW LINE.  Articles of Incorporation of the DuDubnquc, Kansas City and Southwestern Filed With the Recorder—The Directory to Meet in a Few Days.  Articles of incorporation were filed yesterday with the recorder for the Dubuque, Kansas Cit and Southwestern Railway. The incorporators are J. P. Farley, […]

A Recommendation of the Engineers Signed and Sealed to the Secretary of War

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Thursday August 25, 1887 SIGNED AND SEALED. A Recommendation of the Engineers Signed and Sealed to the Secretary of War. Yesterday Morning Was Spent in Visiting the Grounds and the Afternoon in Secret Conference. According to appointment yesterday morning the steamer Campbell was at the leave at 9 o‘clock and having taken on […]

The Perfectly Legitimate and Extremely Healthy Child  Born, Christened and Prepared to Grow

Posted Posted in 1887, D., K. C. & S. W., Dubuque Board Of Trade, Railroads, Southwestern Railroad

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Tuesday August 23, 1887 D., K. C. & S. W. The Perfectly Legitimate and Extremely Healthy Child  Born, Christened and Prepared to Grow. The Railway Construction Committee Hold a Very Interesting Meeting. Articles of Incorporation Adopted and a Strong First Directory Elected. One of the Works of the Board of Trade and of Dubuque Citizens […]

Matters Concerning the Proposed Chicago, Burlington and Northern Bridge

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., C. B. & Q., Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Tuesday August 16, 1887 THE THIRD BRIDGE.  Matters Concerning the Proposed Chicago, Burlington and Northern Bridge and Other Notes of the Roads.  The board of engineers which has been appointed to consider the plans and location of a bridge which the Chicago, Burlington and Northern railway company wish to erect across the Mississippi […]

The Feeling Among the Business Men of the City Strongly in Favor of Pushing the Matter.

Posted Posted in Railroads, Southwestern Railroad

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Sunday August 14, 1887 DUBUQUE & SOUTHWESTERN. The Feeling Among the Business Men of the City Strongly in Favor of Pushing the Matter. An Encouraging Letter from a Town which Desires to Have the Line Through It. In talking with many of the prominent business men yesterday it was found that the project […]

The Logic of the Burlington in the Cut Rates Deal—The Outlook at the North

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., C. B. & Q., C. M. & St. Paul, Minnesota And Northwestern, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald Thursday August 11, 1887  THE RAILROADS.  The Logic of the Burlington in the Cut Rates Deal—The Outlook at the North.   THE CUT MAY NOT COME. It is affirmed and confidently believed that the cut determined on and threatened by the Chicago, Burlington and Northern will never be made. To a man […]