The Railroad Project to Kansas City and the Southwest Receives Daily Encouragement.

Posted Posted in Railroads, Southwestern Railroad

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Friday August 26, 1887 THE SOUTHWESTERN. The Railroad Project to Kansas City and the Southwest Receives Daily Encouragement. Letters Received Daily Promising Aid and Encouragement to the Line. Mr. B. J. O’Neil was seen yesterday upon the street, and in response to the question, “How are they coming out with the new […]

Commissioners Arrive to Hear Further Evidence and Argument in the Switching Charges

Posted Posted in Railroads, Switching Issues

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Wednesday August 10, 1887 THE COMMISSIONERS. They Arrive to Hear Further Evidence and Argument in the Switching Charges. The Meeting Largely Attended by the Dubuque Business Man Who Are Interested. Both Sides of the Case Presented but Neither in a Very Able Manner. The Entire Day Consumed and but Very Little Progress […]

Mr. B. J. O’Neill, the Chairman of the Committee, Receives Encouraging Words From All

Posted Posted in Railroads, Southwestern Railroad

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Friday August 5, 1887 THE SOUTHWESTERN. Mr. B. J. O’Neill, the Chairman of the Committee, Receives Encouraging Words From All. The more the question of railroad connection with the southwest is being discussed the more keenly our people realize its importance to the commercial interests of the city. Chairman O‘Neill of the […]

The Key City Enjoys One More Connecting Link With Chicago.

Posted Posted in Minnesota And Northwestern, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald Wednesday August 3, 1887 THE NEW ROUTE. The Key City Enjoys One More Connecting Link With Chicago. The Minnesota and Northwestern Sends  in Its First Train and Invites the Press to Ride Thereon. The Road the Smoothest, The Train the Handsomest, The Company the Jolliest. The “Time” the Best. On Monday, Aug. 1 […]

Dubuque Daily Herald Sunday July 31, 1887 Another Railroad Practicable.

Posted Posted in Railroads, Southwestern Railroad

The Dubuque Daily Herald Sunday July 31, 1887 Another Railroad Practicable. The new railroad proposed to be built, or rather started by Dubuque capital, is being called the Southwestern. This comes from two reasons, that its projected course leaves Dubuque and runs for a few miles to the southwest and more particularly because it will open […]

 The Minnesota and Northwestern Throws a Bomb into the Railroad Camp.

Posted Posted in Minnesota And Northwestern, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Sunday July 31, 1887 NORTHWESTERN ASSOCIATION.  The Minnesota and Northwestern Throws a Bomb into the Railroad Camp. The managers of the Northwestern Traffic association have found a confirmation of their fears in letters which have been received from the president and traffic manager of the Minnesota proving that there is a strong […]

Commissioners Cofflin and Smith Visit Dubuque to Learn of the Switching Charges

Posted Posted in Railroads, Switching Issues

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Saturday July 30, 1887 THE SWITCHES. Commissioners Cofflin and Smith Visit Dubuque to Learn of the Switching Charges The Case Presented Before Them by the Different Ones Agrieved—The Switches Visited. The Gentlemen to Come Again Some Day Next Week to Finish up the Matter. At an hour agreed upon the preceding evening, […]

Fears Expressed That the Minnesota and Northwestern May Cause a Disruption in Rates

Posted Posted in Minnesota And Northwestern, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald Saturday July 30, 1887 THE RAILROADS. Fears Expressed That the Minnesota and Northwestern May Cause a Disruption in Rates. The Central to Go to Sioux Falls and Probably Beyond A New Time Card Promulgated. There are signs of serious trouble ahead for the roads running northwest from Chicago. It is intimated that […]

Dubuque Daily Herald  Saturday July 28, 1887 The New Road to Maquoketa—Of Great and Undoubted Value

Posted Posted in Railroads, Southwestern Railroad

The Dubuque Daily Herald Thursday July 28, 1887 THE SOUTHWESTERN. Mr. J. O‘Neill Has a Few Facts to Place Before the Public Relative to The New Road to Maquoketa—Of Great and Undoubted Value to the City. To the Editor of the Dubuque Herald. Now that every city in the state of any commercial importance is […]