THE HIGH BRIDGE CELEBRATION—How it and Dubuque Appeared to an Outsider

Posted Posted in 1887, High Bridge, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

Dubuque Daily Herald     Saturday December 3, 1887 THE HIGH BRIDGE CELEBRATION How it and Dubuque Appeared to an Outsider. Independence Bulletin: A representative of the Bulletin was in Dubuque last Tuesday, and witnessed the celebration of the completion of the high wagon bridge which spans the Mississippi at that point, and gives easy and […]

The High Bridge Jubilee

Posted Posted in 1887, High Bridge, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

Dubuque Daily Herald     Saturday November 19, 1887 The High Bridge Jubilee. All the preparations for the High Bridge celebration arc going on successfully. The various committees are attending to their respective duties to make the celebration a good and joyful occasion. Hon. J. K. Graves has been selected as president of the day and […]

The Condition in Which the Railroad—Wagon, and Pontoon Bridges Are

Posted Posted in High Bridge, Pontoon Bridge, The Wagon Bridge, Transfer Bridge

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Wednesday May 26, 1886 THE BRIDGES. The Condition in Which the Railroad—Wagon, and Pontoon Bridges Are. A Wide Gap that is Not Likely to Be Narrowed. Just at this time the citizens of Dubuque are anxiously awaiting developments in the railroad-wagon-pontoon matter now prominently before the public, and knowing that the readers […]