The High Bridge Opening to be a Grand Affair

Posted Posted in 1887, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

Dubuque Daily Herald   Tuesday November 1, 1887 A GRAND CELEBRATION. The High Bridge Opening to be a Grand Affair.  The Work in Good Hands and to be Pushed.  The Mass Meeting Largely Attended and Splendid Committees Selected. The mass meeting at the Tabernacle last evening, called for the purpose of deciding whether or not Dubuque […]

The Celebration—High Bridge Approach

Posted Posted in 1887, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

Dubuque Daily Herald  Saturday October 29, 1887 The Celebration. The committee are still working hard at the high bridge celebration, and additional promises of support are constantly being received. The Butchers’ Union, represented by a committee composed of John Ruegamer,  Chris Stieber, Charles W. Saunders and Charles Appel will meet this morning at the city hall […]

 The High Bridge Celebration

Posted Posted in 1887, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

Dubuque Daily Herald   Thursday October 27, 1887  High Bridge Celebration. The committee appointed to canvass the city in order to ascertain how many would take part in the high bridge celebration, yesterday in it short space of time secured assurances from various merchants and manufacturers, which make it certain that over 500 floats will be […]

The Committee at Work in Preparation for the Celebration to be Held Upon Its Completion

Posted Posted in 1887, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

Dubuque Daily Herald   Thursday October 26, 1887  The High Bridge. The Committee at Work in Preparation for the Celebration to be Held Upon Its Completion.  An Assured Fact That the Event Will be the Grandest Thing Ever Held in the City, and Every One Taking Hold. Yesterday morning the committee on excursions and entertainments of the Dubuque […]

Dubuque to Celebrate the Completion In Grand Style

Posted Posted in 1887, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

Dubuque Daily Herald   Sunday October 23, 1887  The High Bridge. Dubuque to Celebrate the Completion In Grand Style—A Large Number Expected from Abroad. It is confidently expected that the high bridge will be completed by the 20th of next month. The contractors lost three days by reason of the high wind, but they are pushing […]

The Approach to the High Bridge

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, High Bridge Approach 1887, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

The Dubuque Daily Herald   Friday October 21, 1887 (Excerpted from City Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 1887) CITY COUNCIL. The Approach to the High Bridge—Gen. Booth at the Meeting. An adjourned special session of the council was held last evening, and the Mayor and Alds. Kenneally, Hayden, Mulkern, Trexler, Kleinschmidt and Rand were present. The […]

The Approach to be Determined Upon To-Night—The Bonds Will be Readily Placed

Posted Posted in 1887, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

Dubuque Daily Herald   Thursday October 20, 1887  The High Bridge. The Approach to be Determined Upon To-Night—The Bonds Will be Readily Placed.   The city council meets this evening to consider finally the matter of the approach to the high bridge. It had been located so that it should run from the end of the […]

The Contract for  the Approach to the Bridge Let

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, High Bridge Approach 1887, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

The Dubuque Daily Herald   Tuesday October 4, 1887 (Excerpted from City Council Meeting Minutes October 3 1887) CITY COUNCIL. The Saloons Will Remain Open on Sundays. Several Important Ordinances Passed—No More Discounts on Taxes Paid Before January 1. The Contract for  the Approach to the Bridge Let—Board of Registration Appointed. The Council Voting Thousands of […]