The Stockholders of the Pontoon Bridge Company Meet and Vote to Build a High Bridg

Posted Posted in 1886, Pontoon Bridge, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1886, The Wagon Bridge

Dubuque Daily Herald  Tuesday August 10, 1886 A DEAD PONTOON.   The Stockholders of the Pontoon Bridge Company Meet and Vote to Amend the Articles of’ Incorporation Empowering the Directory to Build a High Bridge and to Make By-Laws. A very large and enthusiastic meeting of the stockholders of the pontoon bridge company was held at […]

The Council Agrees to Donate the $25,000 to Aid In the Construction of a High Bridge

Posted Posted in 1886, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1886, The Wagon Bridge

Dubuque Daily Herald  Tuesday August 3, 1886 THAT “IF” HAS GONE.  The Council Agrees to Donate the $25,000 to Aid In the Construction of a High Bridge—A Review of the High Bridge, its Dimensions and What it Can be Constructed For. As will he been in another column the city council at its meeting yesterday voted the $25,000 […]

The Pontoon Ordinance Passed by a Vote of 6 to 4, and the $25,000 Consequently Donated

Posted Posted in City Council, Pontoon Bridge, The High Bridge 1886, The Wagon Bridge, Wagon Bridge 1886

Dubuque Telegraph Herald   Tuesday August 3, 1886  (Excerpted from City Council Meeting Minutes August 2, 1886) CITY COUNCIL The Pontoon Ordinance Passed by a Vote of 6 to 4, and the $25,000 Consequently Donated.  The regular monthly meeting of the city council was held at the chamber yesterday. The morning session was attended by only […]

The Pontoon would Cost $90,000, and the High Bridge $180,000 or More—Are We to Have a Bridge?

Posted Posted in 1886, Pontoon Bridge, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1886, The Wagon Bridge

Dubuque Daily Herald  Saturday July 24, 1886 THAT HIGH BRIDGE.  It Would Cost Double What the Pontoon Could be Constructed for.  The Pontoon would Cost $90,000, and the High Bridge $180,000 or More—Are We to Have a Bridge? What do you think of the high bridge? is a question which is liable to meet you at […]

The People Unanimously in Favor of the Highway Bridge in Lieu of the Pontoon

Posted Posted in 1886, Pontoon Bridge, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1886, The Wagon Bridge

Dubuque Daily Herald  Thursday July 22, 1886 FAVOR THE HIGHWAY.  The People Unanimously in Favor of the Highway Bridge in Lieu of the Pontoon.  Neither Bridge will be Built Unless the City Council Donates $25,000 to Its Construction. Another stimulant in the shape of a proposition to build a highway bridge instead of a pontoon, has […]

The Condition in Which the Railroad—Wagon, and Pontoon Bridges Are

Posted Posted in High Bridge, Pontoon Bridge, The Wagon Bridge, Transfer Bridge

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Wednesday May 26, 1886 THE BRIDGES. The Condition in Which the Railroad—Wagon, and Pontoon Bridges Are. A Wide Gap that is Not Likely to Be Narrowed. Just at this time the citizens of Dubuque are anxiously awaiting developments in the railroad-wagon-pontoon matter now prominently before the public, and knowing that the readers […]