A Pontoon Bridge or Nothing, Such is the Governments Decision—Full Description, Etc.

Posted Posted in 1886, Pontoon Bridge, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1886, The Wagon Bridge

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Tuesday January 12, 1886 THE WAGON BRIDCE. Citizens of East Dubuque Confer With the Committee. A Pontoon Bridge or Nothing, Such is the Governments Decision—Full Description, Etc. An adjourned meeting of the committee appointed to consider the bridge matter, met in the rooms of Secretary Hetherington yesterday afternoon at 3 o‘clock. Mr. […]

Meeting of the Citizens‘ Committee.

Posted Posted in 1886, Pontoon Bridge, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1886, The Wagon Bridge

The Dubuque Daily Herald Sunday January 10, 1886 THE WAGON BRIDGE. Meeting of the Citizens‘ Committee. The committee appointed at the meeting at the court house Thursday evening to confer with the representatives of Grant county, Wis, and Jo. Daviess county, Ill., regarding the building of a wagon bridge, met at the office of H. S. […]

THE WAGON BRIDGE—The Court House Packed to Its Utmost Capacity With Business Men

Posted Posted in 1886, Pontoon Bridge, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1886, The Wagon Bridge, Transfer Bridge

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Friday January 8, 1886 THE WAGON BRIDGE. An Enthusiastic Meeting Held Last Evening. The Court House Packed to Its Utmost Capacity With Business Men. The Matter Ably Discussed at Length by Those Who Have the City’s Interest at Heart. A Substantial Committee Appointed to Confer With the Residents on the Other Side. […]

Let Every Merchant and Enterprising Citizen Boom the Wagon Bridge

Posted Posted in 1886, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1886, The Wagon Bridge

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Thursday January 7, 1886 MASS MEETING TO-NIGHT. Let Every Merchant and Enterprising Citizen Boom the Wagon Bridge. Remember That Now is the Time For Action. A published call by Mayor Glab for a mass meeting in the interest of a wagon bridge has been made, and no business man should hesitate for […]

A Resolution Introduced Concerning a  Wagon Bridge

Posted Posted in 1886, City Council, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1886, The Wagon Bridge, Wagon Bridge 1886

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Tuesday January 5, 1886 (Excerpted from City Council Meeting Minutes January 4, 1886) CITY COUNCIL The Stout Proposition Finally Accepted.  A Resolution Introduced Concerning a  Wagon Bridge.  A Superior Court—Bills Allowed—Gen. Booth Submits a Proposition—Petitions, Etc. MORNING SESSION The council met in regular monthly session yesterday morning, Mayor Glab in the chair […]