Some of the Famous Old Houses Before the War—THE MANSIONS ON THE HILL.

Posted Posted in Walk About Dubuque

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Sunday July 29, 1894 WALKS ABOUT DUBUQUE Some of the Famous Old Houses Before the War. THE MANSIONS ON THE HILL. The Manor Houses of the Boom Days of ’56—Langworthy Residences—-Those on Alpine Street—Many in Southern Style—Some of the Famous Mansions of the City—The Colonel Goes Into History. “I will tell […]

A Fine Part of the City Little Known to Down Town People—BROADWAY AND PARK HILL.

Posted Posted in Walk About Dubuque

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Sunday June 10, 1894 WALKS ABOUT DUBUQUE A Fine Part of the City Little Known to Down Town People. BROADWAY AND PARK HILL. A Splendid Bench of Land for Residences—Kienetown—The Patriarch of this Part of the City—The Road Around King’s Grove—Up to Park Hill—A Coming Part of the City.   “Ah, […]


Posted Posted in Walk About Dubuque

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Sunday June 3, 1894 WALKS ABOUT DUBUQUE The Colonel Discourses Learnedly Upon the New Things He Has Discovered. WONDERS OF SEMINARY HILL. A Bare Bluff Turned Into a Thriving City—New Streets, New Homes, New Everything— Why Called Seminary Hill—Miles of New Streets. “Come,” said the Colonel one evening a short time […]

What a Downtown Man Has Just Found Out about His City—WHAT FIXED THE LOCATION.

Posted Posted in Walk About Dubuque

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Sunday May 27, 1894 WALKS ABOUT DUBUQUE What a Downtown Man Has Just Found Out about His City. WHAT FIXED THE LOCATION. Julien Dubuque—The Mines of Spain—DuBuque or Dubuque—The Natural Plateau—Can Talk About Europe, but Not. About His Own City. “Come on,” said the Colonel to me one day not long […]