Desolated City of Memphis

Posted Posted in Yellow Fever 1878

The Dubuque Daily Herald Tuesday October 15, 1878 THE DOOMED CITY. Heart-Rending Description of the Desolated City of Memphis. The Republicans Taking Advantage of the Situation for Political Purposes. MEMPHIS, Oct. 9, 1878, 2 a. m. Sir: —At this hour as misty darkness, broods over the scene, when only an occasional stir remains in the blue-black […]

The Situation as Seen by John R. Flynn, of Dubuque.

Posted Posted in Yellow Fever 1878

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Saturday October 12, 1878 MEMPHIS. The Situation as Seen by John R. Flynn, of Dubuque. To the Editor of the Dubuque Herald. SIR: —The leading topic of conversation here,  among all classes seemingly occupying a large share of public attention, is the inspiring invectives and imprecations doled out, gratuitously, in unlimited quantities […]