City CouncilExcerpted from City Council Meeting Minutes June 3, 1878

Dubuque Daily Herald Tuesday September 3, 1878

The Dubuque Daily Herald Tuesday September 3, 1878

(Excerpts From City  Council Meeting September 2, 1878)


Proceedings of the Regular Session of the City Council.

The Usual Number of Petitions and Communications.

Reports of Officers and Standing Committees.

Resolutions. Payment of Bills, &c., &c..

Council met in regular session at 9 o’clock yesterday morning. Mayor pro tem John Linehan in the chair. All the aldermen were present. Minutes of the previous meetings read and approved.


To street committee: N. Brandt, et al, for guttering and grading Seminary street; M. Reynolds, et al, for grading, guttering, curbing and macadamizing Dodge street and Bluff to Locust; S. M. Langworthy, asking for the improvement of Hill street from Fifth to Third; R. Cox, et al, for grading the alley  west of Main street from Seventeenth to Madison; Florence McCarthy, asking the privilege of breaking rock into macadam at $1 per yard; N. Buer, calling attention to the filthy condition of sewer on Eighth street, between White and Jackson streets; H. S. Hetherington, asking for the grading of Ellis and Almond streets—with city engineer; L. B. Tuttle, et a1, asking that South Dodge street from its intersection with Dodge street to Wilde street be put in passable condition

To committee of the Whole—John R. Waller, et al, asking for continuation of Grand View avenue south to the Illinois Central railroad rock cut. J. T. Hancock, in relation to Linwood cemetery. G. Fengler, in relation to the opening of High street to Couler avenue.

To Police Committee— J. W. Haas, in relation to the sanitary condition of alley at rear of his residence. H. Pfiffner for removal of slaughterhouse on 23d street near Couler avenue. Nick Wiallert et al asking that Eagle Point policeman be continued—mayor added to committee.

The petition of G. R. West in relation to hogs running at large was referred to the city marshal to enforce the ordinance.

The  matter of repairing Julien avenue was referred to a committee consisting of one alderman from each ward and the mayor, with power.


The dog killer, through the city marshal, reported that the following amounts were due for shooting dogs:

J. T. Upman, killing 40 dogs, $10.00

Alex. Jackson,   ”      ”     ”                                                                     10.00

Alex. Jackson,    4 days‘ work                                                               6.00

Jeff Davis, shooting 67 dogs                                                               16.75

S.E. Frith, hauling dead horses and dead dogs                              26.00

Report received and filed, and orders drawn for the amounts.

Justice Jarrett reported that he had paid $35 into the city treasury, being the proceeds of police business for the month of August.

The street commissioner reported weighing 185 drafts, amounting to $27.60; $2,624.55 as the amount expended on streets during the month of August. He also recommended that all cottonwood trees be cut down and removed. The report was received and referred to the finance committee, and orders drawn for the payment of labor and salaries.

Adam Pier, market master, reported that he had collected for rent of huckster stands $30.75, and that he had boarded prisoners in the calaboose to the amount of $17.50. Received and filed, and orders drawn for latter amount.

Jeff Davis reports paying into the city treasury $9.35, net receipts of hog pound.

The lamplighter reported lighting 170 gas lamps during the month of August.

The city marshal reported that the cost of the police force during the past month amounted to $973.75, including $45 for Jeff Davis, in charge of the hog pound. Received and filed, and orders drawn for the amount.

The auditor reported that $1,027.50 was due the city officers for last month’s salary. Received and filed, and orders drawn for the amount.

Adjourned until 2 o’clock.


Council reassembled at 2:20. All present.

A petition was read from John Gieger, asking the council to provide a suitable hay market. That, the present premises for that purpose is too small, and also asks that hay wagons be permitted to stand around the central market in the afternoon. Referred to market committee.

A communication from John Pillmeyer in relation to cutting down a tree which interfered with one of the hydrants, for which he asked an indemnity, was read. The sum of 25 cents was allowed, on motion of Ald. Doerfler.

Ald. McCann, from the committee on streets, reported on several petition submitted to that committee at the last session. The committee reported in favor of extending Grandview avenue to the river, provided the right of way can be procured at the assessed valuation of the property.

Ald. Fay, from special committee a map of the water district, with a resolution that all property within the red lines be subject to water tax.

Ald. Altman, from committee on police reported in favor of allowing various gas and other bills for fire department.

Ald. McCann, from the committee on public grounds and buildings reported in favor of widening Forest Lane; adverse to petition of Noah Faust; in favor of allowing N. Kauffman  $15 toward building a cistern.

The special committee reported adverse to opening alley north of Julien avenue.

The cow ordinance was postponed until the next session.

The ordinance in relation to the erection of buildings within the fire limits was laid over until the next session.

Estimates were presented by Ald. McCann of work done on Mineral and 17th streets by A. Pfiffner, amounting to $905.70, and by Spear & Lee on Mineral street, amounting to $1,022.

The mayor pro tem stated that the council would have to borrow about $8,000 to meet current expenses. The matter was laid over until the next special session.

Bids for the improvement of 11th street, between Main and alley, were opened and referred to committee on streets with power to contract with the lowest and best bidder.


By Ald. McCann—That the city engineer be instructed to report a suitable grade for the alley west of Main from 17th to Madison street. Adopted.

That a sidewalk three feet wide be laid on the west side of Grand View avenue, between Dodge street and the Delhi road, within sixty days,  where it is not already laid. Adopted.

By Ald. Herod—That no market teams or stands shall be permitted on Iowa street south of 12 th street, and the mayor is hereby requested to see that this resolution strictly enforced. Lost.

That the recent grading of the main traveled roads—viz: Delhi road, from West Dubuque to city limits; Center street, from West Dubuque to city limits, and North Cascade road, west of Grandview avenue—be forthwith covered with broken rock, under the supervision of the street committee. Adopted.

By Ald. McCann. That the finance committee be empowered to borrow $8,000 to pay current expenses. Adopted.

By Ald. O‘Neill. That a sewer be built on Third street, and that the work be let to the best and lowest bidder.

By Ald. Fay. That the city allow the firemen attending the Chicago tournament $175. Adopted.

Ald. Lillig presented a communication from S. M. Langworthy, offering to sell a certain block of land bounded by Elm and Pine and Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets for a hay market, at $4,800. The matter was referred to the market committee.

By Ald. Bush. That a stone crossing be placed on the east side of Bluff street, across Eighth street.

By Ald. Lillig. That a street lamp be placed on the corner of High street and Johnson avenue.



Dubuque Water Co.                                                        664 45

Chas. McMaster, fire                                                        47 25

John McCoy, fire                                                               12 50

J. K. Graves Hose company                                          185 75

Sol. Turck Engine company                                          172 15

Fifth Ward Engine company                                          94 40

Key City Hook and Ladder Co.                                      86 50

Key City Gas Light Co., fire                                              7 00


Adjourned until Friday evening at 7 o’clock.

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