Posted Posted in 1868, Dubuque Statistics

The Dubuque Daily Times  Friday January 1, 1869 DUBUQUE IN 1868 INTERESTING SHOWING OF HER COMMERCE AND MANUFACTORIES. LIST OF NEW BUILDINGS. Sales of Hardware, Groceries, Dry Goods and Merchandise.  Over a Million and a Half Expended in Improvements. RIVER and RAILROAD. STREET EXPENDITURES. TWO MILLIONS OF MANUFACTURES. LUMBER STATISTICS. Twelve Million Dollars Worth of Sales. […]

Posted Posted in 1868, Dubuque Statistics

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Sunday December 20, 1868 THE MANUFACTURING INTEREST Statistics of Capital Invested and Value of Manufactures of Dubuque for the Year 1868. List of the Principal Manufacturing Establishments A Comparison Exhibiting the Growth of the Manufacturing Business A FLATTERING SHOWING. Dubuque is rapidly becoming a manufacturing as well as a commercial city. The […]

Letter from Mayor Turck to the Commissioner of General Land Office.

Posted Posted in 1868, Dubuque Statistics

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Thursday September 3, 1868 STATISTICS Of DUBUQUE. UNPARALLELED PROGRESS AND PROSPERITY. A VALUABLE EXHIBIT (Bookman old style) Letter from Mayor Turck to the Commissioner of General Land Office. A few days since Mayor Turck received from Hon. Jos. S. Wilson, commissioner of the general land office, a letter, requesting a compendious statement […]

Key City Steam Bakery and Cracker Factory.

Posted Posted in Dubuque Industry, Key City Steam Cracker Factory

The Dubuque Herald    Wednesday August 7, 1878 NEW ENTERPRISE.  The Key City Steam Bakery and Cracker Factory. Dubuque keeps steadily up to the point of commercial importance, and as fast as demand indicates, her manufactories increase. Mr. J. P. Farley and A. Wolcott, the former an old and valued resident of this city, and the latter, […]