Dubuque Statistics 1867

Posted Posted in 1867, Dubuque Statistics

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Sunday December 15, 1867   THE MANUFACTURING INTEREST. Statistics of Capitol and Value of Manufactured Product List of Principal Manufacturing Establishments. The Extent of Dubuque Manufacturing. Flattering Showing. The manufacturing interest of Dubuque has done more to bring prosperity to the city, and add to its population, during the past year than […]

City Improvements for1850

Posted Posted in 1850, Dubuque Statistics

The Dubuque Weekly Tribune Wednesday November 13, 1850 City Improvements for1850. Few seasons have opened more inauspiciously for Dubuque than did the one now drawing to a close. With the very commencement of the current year, the minds of many of our citizens, as well as of persons residing in other portions of the county, became […]