Dubuque Herald December 14, 1887 Local News In Brief

Posted Posted in December 1887, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald December 14, 1887 Local News In Brief OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C., December 14, 1:30 a. m.} Indications—For Iowa: Colder generally, fair weather, fresh to brisk northerly winds.   —W. H. Torbert—Druggist. —Byrne Bros. & Co., undertakers.—tf —Stoves stored at Fry’s. Telephone 15.—tf —Jordan and photographs. tf Fine […]

Pass Resolutions in Reference to the Milwaukee Shops Matter

Posted Posted in 1887, C. M. & St. Paul, Dubuque Board Of Trade, Railroads, Repair Shops Removal 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Tuesday December 13, 1887 THE BOARD OF TRADE.  Pass Resolutions in Reference to the Milwaukee Shops Matter.  A Committee to Go to Milwaukee to Settle Any Differences and Urge the Schullsburgh Extension. The directory of the Board of Trade of the city met last yesterday afternoon in regular meeting and discussed […]

Dubuque Herald December 13, 1887 Local News In Brief

Posted Posted in December 1887, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald December 13, 1887 Local News In Brief OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C., December 13, 1:30 a. m.} Indications—For Iowa: Generally colder, fair weather, preceded in the eastern and central portions by rain, light to fresh variable winds.   —W. H. Torbert—Druggist. —Byrne Bros. & Co., undertakers.—tf —Stoves stored […]

A Temporary Writ of Injunction Refused in the Eleventh Street Elevator Case

Posted Posted in 1887, Eleventh Street Elevator

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Saturday December 17, 1887 DISTRICT COURT. A Temporary Writ of Injunction Refused in the Eleventh Street Elevator Case.  Judge Lenehan Overrules Motion. and Demurrers in the Liquor Cases. Judge Lenehan yesterday held court and closed the present term. Several matters of minor importance were disposed  of. Judge Lenehan delivered his opinion […]

Dubuque Herald December 11, 1887 Local News In Brief

Posted Posted in December 1887, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald December 11, 1887 Local News In Brief OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C., December 11, 1:30 a. m.} Indications—For Iowa: Light snow, followed by colder, clearing weather, light to fresh northerly winds, becoming variable. Cold Wave. The following telegram has been received from the chief signal officer of the […]

Dubuque Herald December 10, 1887 Local News In Brief

Posted Posted in December 1887, News In Brief

The Dubuque Herald December 10, 1887 Local News In Brief OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C., December 10, 1:30 a. m.} Indications—For Iowa: Generally colder, fair weather, preceded in the eastern and central portions by rain, light to fresh variable winds.   —W. H. Torbert—Druggist. —Byrne Bros. & Co., undertakers.—tf —Stoves stored […]

Will Hereafter be Known as the Chicago, St. Paul and Kansas City

Posted Posted in Chicago, St. Paul and Kansas City, Dubuque-Northwestern, Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Thursday December 8, 1887 THE STICKNEY SYSTEM. Will Hereafter be Known as the Chicago, St. Paul and Kansas City. A meeting of the board of directors of the Chicago, St. Paul and Kansas City railroad was held in this city yesterday and completed the negotiations whereby the Minnesota and Northwestern is […]